Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    In short

    Admin Assist
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    In short Empty In short

    Post by Rocky Mon 30 Jan 2017, 1:49 am

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    In short

    Adjust the printing press in Baghdad includes examples wrote forged 

    announced Organized Crime Directorate, on Sunday, all tuned Press in Baghdad containing models of fake books, while confirming the arrest of the person operates. 
    Said Interior Ministry spokesman Brig . Gen. Saad Maan in a statement seen (range) , a copy of " The Intelligence Agency and the Federal Crime Investigation Directorate of the organization seized a printing press in Baghdad containing models wrote forged, were arrested by the worker." 
    He Maan, said : "This operation was based on intelligence information and monitor the field of cases in violation of the law." 
    It is noteworthy that the General Directorate for Combating Organized Crime announce from time to time and again set the wheels carrying food undocumented in Baghdad and several provinces, as well as the seizure of factories and does not contain a trademark or used as a raw material expired. 

    Send fact - finding team on radiation Sadr City , 

    sent a Human Rights Commission, on Sunday, fact - finding team on radioactive contamination in eastern Baghdad 's Sadr City 
    , said Jawad al - Shammari , director Media Commission in a statement seen (range) , a copy of " TheCommission has sent a team to investigate the facts on background trading and media to the issue of carcinogenic radiation which it said kills the inhabitants of Sadr city after the discovery of radioactive material uranium " is noteworthy that the MP Hassan Salem , head of the parliamentary honest described the radioactive contamination in the slaughter area and thirst as catastrophic and dangerous. 
    In his intervention at the meeting of the House of Representatives and also in his press conference after the meeting called on the government to form an emergency room and declare a state of emergency and to consider the region a disaster. 

    Gunmen steal 60,000 dollars from one Chierfat 

    security source said the capital Baghdad, on Sunday, that the security forces had foiled an attempt by unidentified gunmen to abduct banking shop owner in central Baghdad, while stressing that the gunmen stole $ 60 thousand dollars from his banking. 
    The source said talking (long) "Unidentified gunmen riding wheels SUV who intercepted a modern saloon type car (BMW) Street 62 in central Baghdad, was riding his banking and his driver and tried to kidnap him at gunpoint." 
    The source , who asked not to be named , said "one of the subunits of the federal police went immediately to the scene based on a quick news from citizens and cordoned off the scene and clashed with the gang , but they managed to escape from the opposite side of the incident." 
    The source pointed out that "after completion of the investigation it became clear that the militants managed to steal his bag banking, where the amount of 60,000 dollars after Hassoa danger and could not kidnapped because the driver resistance to them and the arrival of the federal police detachment."

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