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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Hamoudi calls on the international community to provide facilities for the travel and treat the wou

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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     Hamoudi calls on the international community to provide facilities for the travel and treat the wou Empty Hamoudi calls on the international community to provide facilities for the travel and treat the wou

    Post by Rocky Fri 03 Feb 2017, 3:27 am

    Hamoudi calls on the international community to provide facilities for the travel and treat the wounded, security forces

    Friday February 3, 2017 12:20

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    Alsumaria News / Baghdad 
    called on the Vice President of the House of Representatives Hamoudi, on Friday, the international community to provide the necessary travel and treat the wounded , security forces facilities during the war against the "Daesh , " while he regretted the lack of support for Iraq by some of the world 's governments , medical and humanitarian aspects or military training. 

    He said Hamoudi said in a statement after a meeting with his counterpart Algiki Radek Vondrack in Prague the First Deputy President of the Senate Algiki Milosh Horsk in separate meetings and received Alsumaria News copy of it, "We call on the international community to provide the necessary facilities for the travel and treat the wounded , different formations and the kinds of forces and Iraqi security injured during the war against Daesh "stressing the need to " strengthen the work of the Committee on relations Algikip - Iraq , which was established in Baghdad. "

    He said Hammoudi, that "some of the world 's governments did not support Iraq 's medical and humanitarian or military or even in the field of training aspects , " expressing "regret for those countries that did not support the fight of our people against Daesh and its contribution to seriously reduce the size of the danger for society states, especially because we are waiting for support and applauded the victories achieved, rather than the abuse of the governments of some countries and emerging media in the same direction. " 

    He stressed Hammoudi on, "and must walk with Iraq in one direction to eliminate hotbeds of terrorism", calling for " the need for conferences which emphasizes the unity of religions, dialogue and understanding between peoples and contributes Ptlaqah and interdependence of the Arab and international ideas and correct misconceptions that the owners of the extremist ideology contract." 

    The joint security forces and continue the support of the army aviation and the international coalition edit city of Mosul from the grip of "Daesh" process, after the announcement of the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi launch of "zero hour" in the (October 201 617), for the Liberation of Nineveh, while managed those forces edit large areas of the province , including the left coast of Madnh fully Mosul.

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