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    “Don’t Fall Victim to Olive Oil Fraud” Warns 60 Minutes TV Show


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    Join date : 2013-01-12

    “Don’t Fall Victim to Olive Oil Fraud” Warns 60 Minutes TV Show Empty “Don’t Fall Victim to Olive Oil Fraud” Warns 60 Minutes TV Show

    Post by Lobo Wed 08 Mar 2017, 4:05 pm

    Ina Garten, owner of Barefoot Contessa and world renowned chef only uses Stonehouse California Olive Oil - many flavors to choose from.

    Stonehouse California Olive Oil

    Our mailing address is:
    Stonehouse California Olive Oil
    2701 8th Street, Suite 206
    Berkeley, Ca 94710

    “Don’t Fall Victim to Olive Oil Fraud” Warns 60 Minutes TV Show
    “Don’t Fall Victim to Olive Oil Fraud” Warns 60 Minutes TV Show Mafia_arrest Italian police arrest 33 Mafia suspects charged with counterfeiting extra virgin olive oil and shipping it to America. It's the latest example of what several US media have described as massive olive oil fraud.

    Plus: How to Avoid Fake, Mafia-Made Olive Oil and Buy Only the Freshest, Purest Olive Oils in America

    By T.J. Robinson, The Olive Oil Hunter
    March 7th, 2017

    As the photo above shows, yet another gang of Mafia suspects has been busted for sending fake, adulterated olive oil to the US.
    How widespread is such olive oil fraud, and how can you protect yourself if you use olive oil?
    According to 60 Minutes, the scam is huge. In a hard-hitting exposé, 60 Minutes reported how the Mafia has infiltrated the food industry, especially in olive oil.
    It warned of widespread Mafia tampering and other serious problems in the olive oil industry. Let me give you a brief excerpt from this explosive report. Then I’ll recommend an easy way to protect yourself and your family by avoiding any olive oils that are fake, tampered with, stale, or rancid.
    “Visit any American supermarket and you'll likely find rows of golden-hued olive oils, many with picturesque labels declaring them Italian extra-virgin. But as 60 Minutes explores this week [January 3, 2016], Italy's olive oil business has been corrupted by the Mafia, which is making big bucks tampering with Italian food products in ways that could affect American consumers.
    “The Italians call it ‘Agromafia’ and it's estimated to be a $16-billion-per-year enterprise. One result: Much of the olive oil we import isn't as pure as it seems….
    “‘Olive oil fraud has gone on for the better part of four millennia,’ [60 Minutes producer Guy] Campanile says. ‘The difference now is that the food supply chain is so vast, so global, and so lucrative that it's easy for the bad guys to either introduce adulterated olive oils or mix in lower quality olive oils with extra-virgin olive oil.’”
    Some of these Mafia-tampered olive oils can pose real danger. For example, 60 Minutes reported that the scammers dilute real olive oil with much cheaper seed oils. So if you, a family member, or a guest are allergic to seed oil and unknowingly consume it, the harm could be serious.

    Mafia Tampering Is Not the Only Problem

    In addition to Mafia tampering, another serious problem reported by 60 Minutes is improper storage.
    On the surface, this may not sound like much of a problem. But remember that olive oil is a perishable food. Its delicate flavor and nutrients can be seriously degraded by heat, light, time, and exposure to oxygen. In the hands of shippers who don’t care or are just out to make a fast buck, olive oil can be exposed to these “natural enemies” everywhere along its lengthy journey from the farm to your table. Indeed, as 60 Minutes explained, “by the time this heavenly liquid reaches American shores, much of it has lost its luster.”
    The bottom line? 60 Minutes asked journalist and olive oil expert Tom Mueller about the impact of all these factors. Mr. Mueller estimated that “75 to 80 percent of the oil sold in the US does not meet the legal grades for extra-virgin oil.”
    Imagine that! According to this 60 Minutes investigation, you could be paying premium prices for extra virgin olive oil (the highest quality grade), yet getting something inferior—or even tampered with!—inside the bottle.
    Moreover, as reported in The Olive Oil Times, the Mafia even uses chemical solvents in their counterfeiting process, so you have no idea of what you may be eating or feeding your loved ones and friends.

    Sadly, This Is Nothing New

    For years, others have sounded similar alarms.
    For example, back in July 2010, researchers at the UC Davis Olive Center tested samples of imported olive oils. They found that 69 percent of the samples they tested failed to meet internationally accepted standards to be called extra virgin olive oil.
    In the years since…
    NBC News has reported that “fake olive oil is rampant.”
    The Wall Street Journal has stated: “American grocery stores are awash in cheap, fake ‘extra virgins.’”
    Forbes magazine has warned: “Here’s the hard truth: the olive oil in your pantry, the one you bought for its health benefits and for some sliver of the seductive Mediterranean lifestyle, is most likely a scam.”

    This Is Especially Outrageous Because…

    authentic extra virgin olive oil—the real stuff—is so healthy for you! Studies have shown that genuine extra-virgin olive oil lowers “bad” cholesterol and cuts your risk of heart disease and stroke. It may help protect you against cancer, especially cancer of the breast, prostate, and colon. It can be a godsend for arthritis sufferers because it can reduce inflammation and ease joint pain without side effects.
    It has also been shown to lower blood pressure, reduce your risk of diabetes, and may even help reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. If you want to avoid osteoporosis, it’s outstanding because it enables the calcium in your food to be better absorbed into your bones. Finally, it’s loaded with antioxidants and polyphenols, which help regulate your immune system and aid it in protecting your body against disease.

    How You Can Avoid Fake, Mafia–Made Olive Oils…and Start Enjoying the Finest Olive Oils in the World

    As the experts in the 60 Minutes exposé recommend, you can avoid Mafia-tampered olive oils by doing your homework online. Located around the world are quite a few outstanding artisanal farmers who bypass the Mafia’s counterfeiting factories and instead sell their olive oils directly to consumers.
    But if you’d like to save yourself the time and hassle of researching hundreds of online olive oil producers…of having to decipher websites in foreign languages…or arranging international shipping on your own…allow me to offer a much more convenient solution.

    The “Olive Oil Hunter” to the Rescue!

    My name is T. J. Robinson, aka “The Olive Oil Hunter.” I love olive oil with a passion. Disturbed by the many reports of problems with store-bought olive oils, I decided to do something about them.
    I organized a no-commitment, no-obligation club for olive oil lovers like myself who want to treat themselves, their families, and their guests to nothing less than the finest, purest olive oils in the world.
    I founded a club called the Fresh-Pressed Olive Oil Club. Once every quarter, I deliver—direct to my members’ doorsteps—the best olive oils from award-winning artisanal farms around the world. And I do this right at harvest season, when the olive oils are at their peak of flavor and nutritional value.
    Being so fresh, these are the most outrageously flavorful olive oils you'll ever experience. And by controlling every step of their selection and shipment to your door, I completely bypass all the scammers and their shameful tampering, dilution, and harmful storage practices.

    Independently Lab Certified to Be 100% Pure

    For maximum quality control, I deal exclusively with the most respected and honorable artisanal farms devoted to the highest industry standards. Going even further, I visit them and personally inspect, taste, select, and bottle the finest oils available at each harvest.
    In addition, I have every olive oil I select independently certified in two ways to be 100% pure extra virgin. First, each oil is chemically tested by an accredited third-party laboratory and certified to be 100% pure extra virgin. Second, each oil is also certified by an independent tasting panel of human judges, formally trained and accredited to detect even the slightest defects in an olive oil’s taste or aroma. Only when an olive oil meets every strict requirement on their thorough checklist do these professional tasters pronounce it 100% pure extra virgin, the highest grade.
    This means that from now on, you’ll never again have to worry about buying fake, tampered, stale, or inferior olive oil…or serve it to your family or guests.

    Why We Can Accept Only 20,000 Members

    By necessity, our club is limited in two ways. First, because of customs regulations, we import exclusively to America. Second, we are strictly limited to just 20,000 members in the entire country. That's less than 3/100ths of a percent of all Americans who buy olive oil. The Club is so exclusive because I handpick our club’s oils from small-estate, boutique farms that produce super-premium olive oils only in small batches, so quantities are always limited. We are currently close to 14,500 members and growing rapidly toward our cap. Once our cap is reached, we will allow new members to join the club only as existing members leave.

    There’s No Commitment to Buy Anything, Now or Ever

    When you join the club, there’s no commitment to buy anything, now or ever. And if for any reason you’re not thrilled with any oil we send, you’ll receive a complete, no-questions-asked refund. And, even if you ask for your money back, there’s never an obligation to return any oil, so you’ll avoid any such hassles as well. And you may cancel your membership at any time.

    Try Your First Bottle for Just $1 (Normally $39)

    If you’re thinking of joining my no-risk, no-commitment club, but aren’t sure, that’s totally understandable, as you’ve probably just heard about us for the first time. So, let me make your decision easy, risk-free and, I hope, irresistible…
    If you’re willing to pay just $1 to help me cover shipping, I’ll send you a retail-size bottle (normally $39) of my finest artisanal olive oil, fresh from the new harvest, with my compliments.
    Once you taste this outrageously flavorful olive oil, just born of earth and tree, I’m convinced you’ll decide that you cannot live without such divine olive oil. All I ask is that you taste this oil for yourself—for a modest $1 shipping charge—before you make your final decision. If you’ll do that, I believe you’ll be a loyal club member for many years to come, and you’ll add immeasurable enjoyment to countless meals for yourself, your family, and your guests.

    $39-Bottle-for-a-Buck Promotion Ends Friday, March 10

    If you’d like to try my unique club and receive one of my $39 bottles for just $1 to help cover shipping, I suggest that you click on the link below now, for two reasons:
    First, I have reserved a strictly limited number—240 bottles (20 cases)—to share with readers of TheBLAZE. Problem is, TheBLAZE has many thousands of readers, so these 240 bottles should go very fast, and it’s first come, first served. Also, this generous $39-Bottle-for-a-Buck offer expires Friday, March 10, which will be here before we know it.
    As you’ll taste for yourself with your $39-Bottle-for-a-Buck, I guarantee that this vibrant, harvest-fresh olive oil will make all other olive oils seem woefully dull and flat by comparison. It will add whole new layers of flavor and deep-down satisfaction to your crisp salads and veggies, luscious pasta, grilled meats, delicate fish, and other favorite dishes.
    The publicity this oil is getting is quite something. Foodies, celebrity chefs, and food writers are raving about it. For example, Larry Olmsted, the award-winning food and travel journalist, recently wrote in his New York Times bestselling book, Real Food/Fake Food:
    “I now get most of my oil from T. J. Robinson’s Fresh-Pressed Olive Oil Club, and every time I open a bottle, my kitchen literally fills up with the smell of fresh crushed olives—the scent explodes out of the bottle. Just breaking the seal transports me to Italy or Spain or Chile.”
    When you click on the link below, you'll see similar comments from many other voices as well.
    Perhaps best of all, in addition to the king-sized flavor payload, you gain priceless peace of mind knowing that all of the Club’s oils are independently certified by laboratory testing and by a panel of accredited olive oil judges to be 100% pure extra virgin. This means you’ll never again have to worry about serving your family or guests substandard, Mafia-tampered, or fake olive oil, so many of which are lurking behind fancy labels.
    >> Click here for more information on the Fresh-Pressed Olive Oil Club and to claim—for just a $1 shipping cost—your complimentary $39 bottle of independently lab certified, 100% pure extra virgin olive oil from an award-winning small farm. <<

      Current date/time is Sat 27 Jul 2024, 3:29 am