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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Vice coalition forces reveals Saleem al-Jubouri choice to lead the "Sunni region."

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Vice coalition forces reveals Saleem al-Jubouri choice to lead the "Sunni region." Empty Vice coalition forces reveals Saleem al-Jubouri choice to lead the "Sunni region."

    Post by Rocky Tue 21 Mar 2017, 4:05 am

    Date: 21/03/2017 09:54

    Information / Baghdad ..

    MP from the Union of Forces Raad Aldhlki, Tuesday, for the selection of the parliament speaker Salim al-Jubouri, to lead the "Sunni region," attributing it to four reasons, as he pointed to the existence of efforts to integrate the provinces of Anbar, Salahuddin and Mosul in the alleged territory.

    The reason for choosing Saleem al-Jubouri to lead the Sunni movement and his accession to the post of head of the "Sunni province," came for several reasons, most notably the political clout enjoyed by al-Jubouri and acceptability among most of the political parties and the office in the presidency of the parliament and its relations with the regional with most neighboring countries, adding that the project is under study did not ask officially by Union forces.

    He Aldhlki told / information /, "The reason for choosing Saleem al-Jubouri to lead the Sunni movement and his accession to the post of head of the Sunni province came for several reasons, most notably the political clout enjoyed by al-Jubouri and acceptability among most of the political parties and his position at the head of parliament and regional relations with most of the neighboring countries."

    Aldhlki He added that "it is too UNH talk about the province details of administrative borders, but the general trend refers to the integration of several provinces in the region, including Anbar, Salahuddin and Mosul," noting that "the project under study did not ask formally by the powers Union and will be announced by the if the acceptance of the other parties to the project. "

    He explained that "the project Ascon within the constitution within the regions as it is in Kurdistan and the demands of the people of Basra province to declare the region," pointing out that "modern MP Mohammad al-Karbouli on regional support came after the confidence to win regional support for these countries to stabilize the situation in Iraq." Finished / 25 d
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