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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    In short

    Admin Assist
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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    In short Empty In short

    Post by Rocky Tue 18 Apr 2017, 1:52 am

    In short

    Najaf opens national card project
    announced that the local government of the province of Najaf, the opening of a unified national card project in all departments of civil cases in the province, calling on citizens to complete the review of the special procedures to replace the four archives.
    The news sites that " the first deputy governor of Najaf Abbas Alaleaoa, during the opening of the draft national card in the circle of conditions in terms of Qadisiyah and spend Mashkhab, confirmed that the project will serve the citizens a lot, especially on the security side, and solve many of the problem of the similarity of names, especially since this card will instead all the old archives. "

    Flood Tigris begins to decrease
    the Minister of Water Almuadr Hassan al - Janabi , said in a statement, " The wave of flood progressing peacefully and without losses , " noting that " the Tigris level in Sharqat reached 150.72 meters , up two meters and seventy centimeters lower than it was the reserve for high attributed to more than one meter, and therefore the alert status remains below the maximum. "
    He added, "We believe that the alleged will begin a gradual decrease in Sharqat as it crossed the wave to Baiji , and went to Samarra precursors." He said al - Janabi, "we will be able to nearly two billion cubic meters in the Lake Tharthar of this wave store , " stressing that "Baghdad will not be affected by the wave."

    Prosecute the aggressors on the cadres of the Secretariat
    said the Directorate of Relations and Information in the Municipality of Baghdad, he said that "Amina Baghdad anniversary Alloush directed municipal departments to take legal action and trigger criminal complaints against anyone who attacks its affiliates or Ieigahm in the implementation of their duty service and coordination with the Supreme Judicial Council to activate the criminal verdicts against squatters ".
    She explained that " the Secretariat believes that this action is aimed at putting an end to these dangerous practices that have become a influential turning point in the nature of the service performance in general , " noting that it "continues to provide services and implement the removal of the excesses that tarnished the view of the city of Baghdad and maintain the design basis for campaigns."

    Education looking to prepare for exams
    statement by the Office of the Minister of Education, said the minister Mohammad Iqbal "held a special meeting and expanded with the general managers of all education directorates in all governorates of Iraq, and devoted the meeting to discuss preparations for the final exams for all school levels."
    He pointed to " the required equipment of classrooms review, books and exam, follow - up and school administrations, and the required number of observers in the exams." The turnout, according to the statement, to "provide a stimulating environment for students is a priority , " pointing to "harness all potentials and energies to achieve this goal and all employees of the ministry in synergy who knew worthy of these duties and functions."

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