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    The reaction of Saudi Arabia to drop Emirates aircraft Saudi Arabia

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    The reaction of Saudi Arabia to drop Emirates aircraft Saudi Arabia Empty The reaction of Saudi Arabia to drop Emirates aircraft Saudi Arabia

    Post by Rocky Fri 21 Apr 2017, 1:54 am

    The reaction of Saudi Arabia to drop Emirates aircraft Saudi Arabia

    The UAE 's oldest army to shoot down a helicopter belonging to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia by mistake in Yemen.

    Saudi Arabia was dropped by using helicopter air defense 'Pantsyr-S1 system'.

    The suspended head of the Institute for Political Studies in Asia and Africa, Arseniy Grigoriev on the news in an interview with '' , saying that the incident will not ignite war between the Arab states.

    United Arab Emirates Saudi Arabia caught the helicopter , which they believe a missile from the 'Ansar Allah'
    'This incident will not spark a war between the Arab states. I've signed by such incidents in the international coalition, and in such cases is a mere coincidence, and do not happen because of any problems. Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates in a long - term relationship with the military field. I do not think that this incident will not affect in a negative way on Alaguetehma '.

    According to Arseniy, Saudi Arabia may receive the blame on Russia because of a defect in the techniques. 'Perhaps Saudi Arabia , which used US systems may submit a complaint to the UAE, has been offering a complaint on the Russian system that faulty, but I hope that all this will not happen. "

    It is noteworthy that the system 'Pantsyr S1' operating in the ranks of the formations of the United Arab Emirates Army, the launch on 'Black Hawk' Saudi Arabia in the Marib region in Yemen as a result of error in communication or coordination, which led to the entire crew of 12 military specialists killed Saudis , according to confirmed by an official statement to the Saudi army.

      Current date/time is Sun 08 Sep 2024, 2:48 am