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    Condoleezza Rice: Iraq is not invaded to bring democracy to hi

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    Condoleezza Rice: Iraq is not invaded to bring democracy to hi Empty Condoleezza Rice: Iraq is not invaded to bring democracy to hi

    Post by Rocky Fri 12 May 2017, 3:23 am

    Condoleezza Rice: Iraq is not invaded to bring democracy to him


    Condoleezza Rice acknowledged, US national security adviser under former President George W. Bush, on Thursday evening, the real reason behind taking the US decision to invade Iraq in 2003.
    Rice said at a meeting held at the Brookings Institution, said that America invaded Iraq in 2003 to topple the ousted president, Saddam Hussein, "not to bring democracy to the Middle Eastern state of the pivotal".
    She and former US Secretary of State: "We went to Iraq because of a purely security problem, concerning the existence of Saddam in power, but we are not going to bring democracy".
    Her "has never been in President Bush's plans, then the use of military force in order to bring democracy in Iraq, not in 2003, nor in Afghanistan in 2001".

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    Condoleezza Rice: Iraq is not invaded to bring democracy to hi Empty Close to George Bush: We did not want democracy to Iraq, but the toppling of Saddam Hussein only

    Post by Rocky Fri 12 May 2017, 3:56 am

    Close to George Bush: We did not want democracy to Iraq, but the toppling of Saddam Hussein only

    09:58 - 12/05/2017

    It revealed the US national security adviser under former President George W. Bush, Condoleezza Rice, on Thursday evening, the real reason behind the decision of the United States of the decision to invade Iraq.

    Rice reiterated at a meeting held at the Brookings Institution, I followed / information /, he said that "America invaded Iraq in 2003 to topple Iraqi President, Saddam Hussein, not to bring democracy to the Middle East state pivotal."

    She also said, "The United States has taken decision to invade Iraq with its allies in 2003, and she knows it will not bring democracy to that country, but in fact sought to overthrow President Saddam Hussein."

    Rice said, "We went to Iraq because of a purely security problem, concerning the existence of Saddam Hussein in power, but we are not going to bring democracy," noting that it "has never been in President Bush's plans, then the use of military force in order to bring democracy not in Iraq in 2003 , nor in Afghanistan in 2001. " It ended 25 n

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    Condoleezza Rice: Iraq is not invaded to bring democracy to hi Empty Black Rice: We have not invaded Iraq to spread democracy but to topple Saddam

    Post by Rocky Fri 12 May 2017, 6:38 am

    Black Rice: We have not invaded Iraq to spread democracy but to topple Saddam

    WASHINGTON, May 12 (UPI) - Condoleezza Rice, the former US national security adviser to George W. Bush, nicknamed Blackjack, exploded a surprise when she revealed that "the United States did not invade Iraq in 2003 to bring Democracy for the region, but to bring down Saddam Hussein only. "
    America invaded Iraq in 2003 to topple Iraqi President Saddam Hussein, not to bring democracy, and the United States took the decision to invade its allies in 2003. It knows that it will not bring democracy to that country, but it has sought in fact, she said in a speech at the Brookings Institution for Research. "It was never in President Bush's plans to use military force to bring democracy, not in Iraq in 2003, or in Afghanistan in 2001," she said.
    "The mass movements that have begun to emerge in the United States and Western Europe over the past two years are only expressions of protest by millions of people against ruling elites who have ignored their concerns on issues such as free trade and unlimited immigration," Rice said. The so-called Arab Spring, which was led by the Jewish journalist Bernard-Henri Levy. .
    On the other hand, observers and activists wondered when they heard the statements of the black sluts that they described as "Shmita". Why did 1.5 million Iraqis die? And why did three million more people be injured? What did Iraq's factories destroy or disrupt at the rate of 45,000 private and governmental factories? Deserted its lands (40%)? Why orphaned its children (5 million orphans?) And widened its women (3 million widows) (10 million people under the poverty line), handicapped its youth (3 million disabled) and displaced its families (4 million displaced and displaced).

    The observers added that "the embarrassing, Iraq is still after the sanctions under Chapter VII, although it has gone out of form, this item, which stipulated the US approval of Iraq to the security agreement in exchange for lifting, ratified the agreement and remained under the terms of the matter until the decision or divide it Followed by the disastrous map of Bernard Lewis. "

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    Condoleezza Rice: Iraq is not invaded to bring democracy to hi Empty Rice reveals the fact that the occupation of Iraq: We went to topple Saddam

    Post by Rocky Sun 14 May 2017, 3:29 am

    Rice reveals the fact that the occupation of Iraq: We went to topple Saddam

    BAGHDAD (Reuters) -

    Quoted the US Newsweek magazine about former US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice as saying that the US military interventions in the Middle East and Central Asia were not to spread democracy, but to address US security issues, a denial of explicit claims of former President George W. Bush's administration, which described the invasion of Iraq as to install democracy.

    Rice, who served as Secretary of State between 2005 and 2009 and the national security adviser between 2001 and 2005, has played a pivotal role in the Bush Jr. administration during the years after the events of September September 11 launched a special two major wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

    The White House has described the overthrow of Saddam Hussein by Regular Iraq and the Taliban in Afghanistan that they are in order to spread democracy in the region, which claims discredited Rice in her new book, which was discussed in an open meeting at the Brookings Institution in Washington.

    Rice says: «We went to Iraq not to establish democracy in it, but to topple Saddam Hussein, who we thought it made weapons of mass destruction, and that it represents a threat to the region, which means that the problem was security, and overthrew the Taliban; because it is allied with al-Qaeda, and not for the sake of democracy».

    Comparing Rice's motives for America's invasion of Iraq, and Afghanistan motivated to enter World War II to defend America's allies in Europe and Asia against Nazism and Japan. Rice voiced regret over the idea of ​​mixing the largest and the first to America in the twentieth century atheist and military intervention «freedom agenda» and stressed that America's wars in Afghanistan was to destroy the enemies of the United States.

    Former US Secretary of State and claimed that they were not to ask Bush to bring democracy to Iraq and Afghanistan by military force, which it described as an example of «stark» to promote democracy.

    Iraq and Afghanistan are still suffering from the ongoing conflict since the invasion of America for them, and entered Iraq in a sectarian war between Sunni and Shiite, while Afghanistan witnessed the return of the Taliban insurgency again after the overthrow, and now controls a large part of the land in constant conflict also with the government of US-backed Kabul. ;

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