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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Iran: US troops entered Afghanistan to raise the production of drugs 6000 tons per year

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 277541
    Join date : 2012-12-22

    Iran: US troops entered Afghanistan to raise the production of drugs 6000 tons per year Empty Iran: US troops entered Afghanistan to raise the production of drugs 6000 tons per year

    Post by Rocky Thu Jul 06, 2017 3:55 pm

    Iran: US troops entered Afghanistan to raise the production of drugs 6000 tons per year

    09:58 - 07/06/2017
    Participated in the Facebook Chirp on Twitter  

    Assistant International Affairs Committee Drug Control Assadullah Hadi Nejad, announced that the entry of US troops to Afghanistan, raising the rate of drug production to 6.4 thousand after it was limited to 200 tonnes.

    He said Gad, according to the agency Tasnim Iran, said that "in 2001 the volume of drug production in Afghanistan, 200 tons, noting that with the entry of US troops into the country has the size of drug production reached more than 6000 tons in 2014.

    He said Assistant International Affairs Committee of the anti-drug that Afghanistan is the first country in the world in terms of drug production, indicating that America is one of the most important factors for the promotion of drug abuse in Iran, particularly in Muslim countries.

    Hadi Nejad noted that the US administration of various conspiracies always weave to eliminate the young generation of Islam in Iran, calling on countries in the Middle East region to take measures to combat drugs in Jadh.anthy 25 t

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