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    America: Approving the largest military budget for the United States

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    America: Approving the largest military budget for the United States Empty America: Approving the largest military budget for the United States

    Post by Rocky Wed 13 Dec 2017, 3:54 am

    America: Approving the largest military budget for the United States

    10:10 - 13/12/2017

    America: Approving the largest military budget for the United States 20161204_072344
    Information / Baghdad ..
    US President Donald Trump signed the Pentagon's next-year budget defense policy, which reached a record $ 700 billion.
    "Today, with the signing of the defense budget, we are accelerating the process of fully restoring the military strength of the United States," Trump said following the signing of the decree. "The law will increase our combat readiness, strengthen measures to modernize our armed forces and help us provide the necessary resources for our military."
    It should be noted that the budget law will not enter into force before the approval of Congress to raise the ceiling of defense expenditure, which was set in 2011 by $ 549 billion.
    Trump called on Congress to "complete the work" and abandon the military budget and approve the law on the military budget.
    In November, the US Congress approved the Military Budget Bill and the Pentagon's funding in 2018. According to the law, the Pentagon budget will amount to about $ 700 billion. The military salaries are to be increased and their numbers increased in all categories of the armed forces.
    $ 4.6 billion is also earmarked to fund "deterrent initiatives in Europe" - deter Russia, strengthen US military capabilities in Europe, including resources to the Baltic states and Ukraine, and $ 4.4 billion to missile defense systems to counter North Korean missiles.
    The US Secretary of Defense must report on the "objectives and motives of the Russian Federation" and assess the "risks" issued by Russia to the Congressional committees, within 180 days after the entry into force of the law.

      Current date/time is Tue 17 Sep 2024, 12:27 am