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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Central Bank calls for a revision of the laws of the banks, the World Bank and the fight against mon

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    Central Bank calls for a revision of the laws of the banks, the World Bank and the fight against mon Empty Central Bank calls for a revision of the laws of the banks, the World Bank and the fight against mon

    Post by Rocky Mon 25 Nov 2013, 2:51 am

    Central Bank calls for a revision of the laws of the banks, the World Bank and the fight against money laundering


    Author: BS, MJM 
     Editor: AJ, BS 24/11/2013 17:00 Number of readings: 124 




    Long-Presse / Baghdad

    Called on the Central Bank of Iraq, on Sunday, to "revisit" the laws of the banks and the Central Bank and the fight against money laundering, and attributed the cause to "address the problematic lack of challenge of the activity of banks and the Bank in the management of the economy," and pointed out that the zeros "will not raise for the Iraqi currency now for not suitable circumstance. "

    The central bank governor said Abdel Basset Turki said in an interview for a number of media, including (range Press), on the sidelines of a workshop on the proposals to amend the Banking Act and the law of the Iraqi Central Bank and Amla, hosted by the bank in the Palestine Hotel in central Baghdad, said that "the importance of this The workshop, which is held for the first time, is to review the laws written in exceptional circumstances and in an exceptional manner for nearly ten years and there are a number of comments made by the banks, "hoping that" all deficiencies are addressed. "

    The Turkish that "country always needs to be new legislation and we have to think about legislation lasts for a long time to pay for greater stability and meet the requirements of development," stressing the need to "rethink the laws of the three not only the laws of the banks, but Bank Law also the law against money laundering," explaining that "The importance of the problematic address all deficiencies that limit the activity of banks and at the same time its developmental role in addition to the Central Bank's role in the management of the economy."

    The central bank governor that "the lifting of zeros from the Iraqi currency until now not on the cards because the envelope is not suitable justifications and still continue not to delete the list," adding, "But when the central bank will decide to announce this matter."

    He continued Turkish "We have decided to exclude banks that have not a capital of 250 billion dinars, the central bank auction," pointing out that "some banks embarked invite the General Assembly to raise its capital."

    Turki added that "the number of those banks does not exceed 5 banks and these exclusions are not immediate and final decisions," asserting that "some banks made a pledge to raise its capital to 400 billion."

    The CBI said on Sunday, seeking to amend the banking laws, including the proportional and the current situation, and pointed out that the money laundering law the most prominent laws that seek to modify it, while stressing that go to play the developmental role of the Iraqi economy.

    The Iraqi Central Bank revealed, on Sunday, the arrival of the foreign currency reserves of more than 88 billion dollars, indicating that it contributes to the stability of the dinar could be a "source of pride" for the Iraqis.

    The Iraqi Central Bank revealed on Friday (November 22, 2013), his intention version Coins categories of small, indicating that those currencies, which may be issued sometime in the next year, will be written in Arabic and Kurdish, confirming the existence of a proposal for the issuance of Banknotes large value of fifty thousand dinars.

    It is noteworthy that the Iraqi Central Bank was established as a bank independent under the law issued on the sixth of March 2004, as an independent body, which is responsible for maintaining price stability and the implementation of monetary policy, including exchange rate policies are being daily sessions for buying and selling currencies.


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