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    Iranian Revolutionary Guards are maneuvering in the Gulf and threatening to hit international shippi

    Admin Assist
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    Iranian Revolutionary Guards are maneuvering in the Gulf and threatening to hit international shippi Empty Iranian Revolutionary Guards are maneuvering in the Gulf and threatening to hit international shippi

    Post by Rocky Sun 05 Aug 2018, 7:40 am

    Iranian Revolutionary Guards are maneuvering in the Gulf and threatening to hit international shipping .. That's why!
    Arabic and International  Sunday, 05 August 2018 at 14:59 PM (Views 117)
    Iranian Revolutionary Guards are maneuvering in the Gulf and threatening to hit international shippi 20180805_025938-221Iranian Revolutionary Guards are maneuvering in the Gulf and threatening to hit international shipping .. That's why!
    Baghdad / Sky Press

    TEHRAN: Iran's Revolutionary Guards confirmed on Sunday reports of military maneuvers in the Gulf waters near the Strait of Hormuz last week, asserting readiness to confront the Gulf. 
    "The maneuvers came in the context of confronting any potential threat to the Gulf and Strait of Hormuz, which was aimed at monitoring the security of sea lanes in the Gulf," Revolutionary Guards spokesman Ramadan Sharif said in a statement. 
    Iran has repeatedly threatened to close the Strait of Hormuz to international shipping if Washington blocks Iranian oil exports. Washington and its allies in the region have confirmed their intention to secure free shipping in the strait, warning Tehran against closing it.
    Iranian threats come after US President Donald Trump's decision on May 8 to withdraw from the nuclear deal with Iran, re-impose sanctions on Iran and subject countries and companies that buy Iranian oil to sanctions.
    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Iranian Revolutionary Guards are maneuvering in the Gulf and threatening to hit international shippi Empty "War of the Straits burning" .. Iran begins with "major maneuvers"

    Post by Rocky Sun 05 Aug 2018, 7:41 am

    "War of the Straits burning" .. Iran begins with "major maneuvers"
    Arabic and International  Sunday, 05 August 2018 at 11: 50 am (عدد المشاهدات 610)
    Iranian Revolutionary Guards are maneuvering in the Gulf and threatening to hit international shippi 20180805_115004-629"War of the Straits burning" .. Iran begins with "major maneuvers"
    Follow-up / Sky Press

    Observers expect, after new developments in the Middle East, that the straits could be one of the main causes of military wars in the region.

    Iran and its backed groups have threatened more than once to close the Bab al-Mandab and Hormuz straits, but major countries have said they will not allow it.

    The Iranian Revolutionary Guard, on Sunday, launched large-scale maneuvers in the waters of the Persian Gulf a few days ago.

    "Exercises have been conducted to control the safety of the waterways and to protect the annual Revolutionary Guards training program," said Revolutionary Guards spokesman Ramadan Sharif, according to the Fars news agency.

    "These maneuvers were conducted under the supervision of Revolutionary Guards Commander Mohammad Ali Jafari, who stressed the need to maintain and strengthen overall defense to ensure the strategic security of the Strait of Hormuz and the Persian Gulf, and to respond appropriately to potential threats from enemies," Sharif said.

    US officials told Reuters on Wednesday that the United States believed Iran was preparing for major maneuvers in the Gulf in the coming days to offer an annual training schedule apparently amid escalating tensions with Washington.

    "The Hormuz Strait will not be safe for those who use oil money passing through the Straits to threaten the security of Iran," said Army Chief of Staff Hassan Khanzadi.

    Militarily, Tehran can partially close the straits through its military vessels, naval mines, missiles and boats for rapid attack, but it will not be able to do so for a long time, especially since the United States and most of the world will be against Iranian behavior and will work to protect its oil interests in the region. By force.

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