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    Karbali demands Abdul Mahdi to open an urgent investigation with the Baghdad Operations Command

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Karbali demands Abdul Mahdi to open an urgent investigation with the Baghdad Operations Command Empty Karbali demands Abdul Mahdi to open an urgent investigation with the Baghdad Operations Command

    Post by Rocky Sun 11 Nov 2018, 2:58 am

    Karbali demands Abdul Mahdi to open an urgent investigation with the Baghdad Operations Command
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    BAGHDAD / A member of the Committee on Security and Defense parliamentary Mohammed Karbouli, Sunday, Adel Abdul Mahdi, in his capacity as commander-in-chief of the armed forces to open an urgent investigation with the Baghdad Operations Command / Brigade 59 - Iraqi army to find out the circumstances of the killing of one of the innocent children of Tarmiyah based on malicious information Wrong.
    The Karbouli MP revealed in a statement received by the "Eye of Iraq News", that "the military attacking force did not find in the victim's house any weapons or explosive belt, which was mentioned by the statement of the Baghdad Operations Command issued yesterday, but acknowledged the force executing the killing of the mistake of information on which the operation was based , And apologized to the victim's family that the killers came "by mistake".
    A member of the parliamentary security and defense committee stressed that "military mistakes in the case of battle may be justified, but routine military operations and in a stable area such as Tarmiyah can not be accepted by military errors or passed on the pretext of error of information, which strengthens us and confirms the lack of information and intelligence professionalism in our institutions Military and makes us recalculate our assessments in the field military leadership in the belt of Baghdad. "
    He called on the commander-in-chief of the armed forces to open an urgent investigation with the Baghdad Operations Command and the leadership of its 59th Brigade and to refer the perpetrators of the killing of the innocent citizen to the military courts to receive their fair punishment while ensuring compensatory compensation for the victim's family. "

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