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    Jordan hopes that Egyptian gas will meet one-third of demand

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 277353
    Join date : 2012-12-21

     Jordan hopes that Egyptian gas will meet one-third of demand Empty Jordan hopes that Egyptian gas will meet one-third of demand

    Post by Rocky Tue 13 Nov 2018, 6:10 am

     Jordan hopes that Egyptian gas will meet one-third of demand

     Jordan hopes that Egyptian gas will meet one-third of demand 11212

    The Jordanian Energy Minister said on Tuesday that Jordan aims to increase imports of natural gas from Egypt to cover one-third of his demand in the end.
    Jordan began importing natural gas from Egypt two months ago, but a substantial increase in imports will depend on the construction of a pipeline between Jordan and Iraq, which has yet to be built.
    Minister Hala Zwati estimated Jordan's demand for gas in 2019 at 350 million cubic feet per day.
    "Jordan started receiving natural gas from Egypt in September on a pilot basis across the pipeline, but we hope at the beginning of 2019 to increase these quantities," she said.
    "We have not yet agreed with Egypt, there are negotiations now about the amount to be pumped, but we hope that at least one-third of Egypt's needs will come from Egypt," she said, but gave no timeframe for achieving that goal.
    "We have had discussions with Iraq that started years ago, and the Jordanian cabinet has agreed to it, and we are now waiting for the Iraqi side to start work on the pipeline," Zwati said in response to a question about the pipeline that will eventually connect the southern Iraqi city of Aqaba to Jordan's Red Sea port of Aqaba.
    "The idea is still there but it has not materialized (yet) ... the political situation has not been allowed."

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