SDR’s and the New Bretton Woods – Part Seven
February 24, 2014 JC Collins
Psychological Warfare and Fist Fighting
By JC Collins
“We deeply regret that the IMF quota and governance reforms agreed to in 2010 have not yet become effective and that the 15th General Review of Quotas was not completed by January 2014. Our highest priority remains ratifying the 2010 reforms, and we urge the US to do so before our next meeting in April. In April, we will take stock of progress towards meeting this priority and completing the 15th General Review of Quotas by January 2015.”
“We will implement these reforms in a way that promotes an integrated global financial system, reduces harmful fragmentation and avoids unintended costs for business. We commit to cooperate across jurisdictions with a renewed focus on timely and consistent implementation supported by meaningful peer reviews, including OTC derivatives reform.”
From the Communiqué – Meeting of Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors, Sydney, 22-23 February 2014
Where I grew up you either knew how to fight or you better have known someone who could. In such an environment advice on fighting was handed out and bandied around like it was a commodity of real value. From elementary school onward, the advice was thick and often silly. Most simply made things up in the hope of convincing others they were tough. Talk was very much cheap. Like a fiat currency I suppose.
But every so often you would come across the real thing, advice of a value that you just couldn’t get somewhere else, advice from the real deal. For me this real deal came in the form of my friend’s uncle. Just the sight of him made my teenage gut twist and turn with anticipation of what could potentially happen with each passing minute. He was tough and didn’t need to tell you he was tough. An air of violence was thick around him and you just knew it could explode at the slightest provocation.
Needless to say we listened with abated breath as he dished out what few morsels of advice he determined we deserved. One of the things he said was “Sometimes in a bar shit happens. When shit happens you’d better be prepared. And never go outside the bar to fight. You go outside the bar and more shit will happen. You get jumped or stabbed. You stay inside the bar, accept the shit as it’s been framed, and deal with it. You fight right there inside the bar. Never go outside.”
Now for most normal people such advice would seem bizarre and a world away. But for us it was the holy grail of survival tactics. It told us that you didn’t need to dance around with your fists up in the air while peacocking about how tough you are. Fighting was not for show. Fighting was what you did when there was no other choice and you had better do it well. If it was going to happen, you accepted the conditions as presented and did not allow the other person, or anyone else, to reframe the argument or circumstances in anyway.
So a few years later when I was in a night club and shit happened, I instantly remembered that most valuable lesson from my teenage years. My opponent was close and ready. He nodded his head towards the door. I nodded no, here. The music was loud with the base rattling across my legs. People jumped up and down on the dance floor which seemed to shake the whole place. The song playing was Blue by Eiffel 65. The lyrics of the song echoed in my head:
I’m blue da ba dee da ba die…
What I began to realize in later years is that the bar was symbolic of life in general. The bar represented our perceptions and interpretations. We approach truth from these perceptions and interpretations. When we find ourselves in a conflict of any type the other person is attempting to take us outside the bar where we can be influenced by their perceptions and interpretations. They attempt to reframe the conflict or argument or debate. Only when standing firm in our own perceptions and interpretations can we face the challenge as it was originally framed in its inception. When we allow the challenge to become reframed we are not fighting the fight we think or believe we are fighting. We are fighting the other persons fight.
In later years I would come to realize that this simple advice from my youth was in fact one of the underlying principles of psychological warfare. The purpose of psyops are to move a mass of people from one way of thinking to another way of thinking. There is a process and structure which utilizes the current perceptions and interpretations of a population before creating an event or series of events which twist those original perceptions and interpretations around and in the direction which is desired.
The perfect example of this today can be seen in the Ukraine where the demographic divide between Ukrainian speaking and Russian speaking people is being “represented” in the coup which just took place over the weekend. The choices as presented to the people of that country, or how the argument has been framed, is that the Ukraine either economically merges with the European Union or with Russia. It’s the natural and perfect fracture from which a psyop can be targeted against the people. The country speaks two languages and is the central hub for natural gas exports to the EU. What better place to divide the people than between choosing either Europe or Russia.
I would refer the reader back to Part Three of this series as a refresher on the Hegelian Dialectic. In that essay we stated that through the Hegelian Dialectic process the sovereign debt issue of the world was going to be used as leverage to enact the monetary system changes to the international economy. Already Russia is holding payments back from the Ukraine which is putting that country in a default situation. Right on cue the International Monetary Fund is offering to restructure the sovereign debt.
With that being said there is a legitimate chess move taking place in the Ukraine, just as there is in Venezuela, and potentially erupting again in Egypt. Whoever wants to control the natural gas market of Europe would also like to control the energy shipping lanes of the Suez Canal and the oil production of South America.
These are just micro moves that are allowed to happen within the larger macro centralization process.
Going back to the psychological warfare structure it is easy to see that there is in fact an operation taking place to divert attention away from the facts of the transition from the old economic system to the new SDR system. One of the key components being utilized is the “weapons of the weak” tool used in conspiracy theories. See post “What Are Conspiracy Theories?”
In that post we touched on how the renting seeking elite are using these “weapons” against the larger disorganized group. Conspiracy theories, born from truth, have been reframed to change our perceptions and interpretations to divert away from the real process of change and transition.
There are two different types of psychological operation groups. One is government sponsored military oriented teams. The other is private industrial based teams. Often both teams will work together. Television networks themselves are a form of psychological operation, as are music production companies and their distribution networks.
In psychological warfare tactics the initial step is the planning process. The planning consists of Supporting Units and Operational Units.
From there the Target Audience is determined and analyzed. Some of the questions asked at this stage are:
From there the psychological operation is developed and all supporting media is produced. Distribution and dissemination of the operational products then takes place. This distribution and dissemination can be a quick one time release or a slow intentional process of manipulation.
Once the initial “weapons” are in play than a form of “propaganda analysis” takes place with tweaks made to the overall process. These tweaks usually take on the appearance of counterpropaganda. The counterpropaganda is a very powerful weapon from which the real desired change to perceptions and interpretations take place.
Only by standing our ground within our original perceptions and interpretations can we hope to fight the psychological operation. Do not go outside the bar. Fight the fight as it has been originally framed.
The transition from the old dollar reserve system of Bretton Woods to the new SDR bond debt consolidation system as engineered by the International Monetary Fund and the Bank for International Settlements is clearly framed but hidden from the general population at large. Much like the true mysteries are hidden from the blue lodge masonic initiates. Only once we elevate our thinking and desires to a higher level can we begin to understand the scope and simplicity of the emerging system and its far reaching purpose.
There are many conspiracy theories and fabricated stories which exist on the internet as forms of psychological warfare operations. The clear sign that these stories are “methods of persuasion” can be found in the fact that the supporting evidence exists only within the storyline itself. No outside confirmation or sources are made available. Information from outside the storyline is presented and interpreted as supporting facts. They are not facts supporting the original perceptions and interpretation. The argument is being reframed.
Many of the links and other supporting documents are additional sources of “persuasion” which have been re-cycled through the target audience and resubmitted as facts to support the original media production component of the psychological operation. These are in fact the counterpropaganda objectives.
My blog site has been modestly attempting to explain the processes and procedures of the transition from the old system to the new system. My sources are the original documents and information as presented by the International Monetary Fund, the Bank for International Settlements, and the G20 Summit itself. Not to mention the numerous other sources like the U.S. Treasury, Congress, and central banks from around the world. These sources are easily confirmed outside the storyline which I am presenting. Truth is often hidden in plain sight. Often in plain sight makes for the best hiding place of all.
Some of the psychological warfare operational units or “personalities” (media productions) have taken notice of my humble site. If these personalities were legit and where in fact who they say they are, then why take any notice of my blog or writing at all. Of what importance would I be to such important people who are attempting to change the world by overthrowing the banking cartel which has ruled the world since the French Revolution?
What is the challenge which my site presents?
I do not get distracted very easy. I stand my ground and fight inside the bar.
And the music pounds inside my head:
I’m blue da ba dee da ba die…
It is said that in order to be an effective fighter one most learn to love his opponent. And I did with each strike of my fists and elbows. Blood is sticky. Eyes are swollen. Sorrow runs deep.
As I grow older I understand that there are many methods of fighting. And as I’ve stated before, I stand with you, my brethren of the disorganized. – JC Collins
February 24, 2014 JC Collins
Psychological Warfare and Fist Fighting
By JC Collins
“We deeply regret that the IMF quota and governance reforms agreed to in 2010 have not yet become effective and that the 15th General Review of Quotas was not completed by January 2014. Our highest priority remains ratifying the 2010 reforms, and we urge the US to do so before our next meeting in April. In April, we will take stock of progress towards meeting this priority and completing the 15th General Review of Quotas by January 2015.”
“We will implement these reforms in a way that promotes an integrated global financial system, reduces harmful fragmentation and avoids unintended costs for business. We commit to cooperate across jurisdictions with a renewed focus on timely and consistent implementation supported by meaningful peer reviews, including OTC derivatives reform.”
From the Communiqué – Meeting of Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors, Sydney, 22-23 February 2014
Where I grew up you either knew how to fight or you better have known someone who could. In such an environment advice on fighting was handed out and bandied around like it was a commodity of real value. From elementary school onward, the advice was thick and often silly. Most simply made things up in the hope of convincing others they were tough. Talk was very much cheap. Like a fiat currency I suppose.
But every so often you would come across the real thing, advice of a value that you just couldn’t get somewhere else, advice from the real deal. For me this real deal came in the form of my friend’s uncle. Just the sight of him made my teenage gut twist and turn with anticipation of what could potentially happen with each passing minute. He was tough and didn’t need to tell you he was tough. An air of violence was thick around him and you just knew it could explode at the slightest provocation.
Needless to say we listened with abated breath as he dished out what few morsels of advice he determined we deserved. One of the things he said was “Sometimes in a bar shit happens. When shit happens you’d better be prepared. And never go outside the bar to fight. You go outside the bar and more shit will happen. You get jumped or stabbed. You stay inside the bar, accept the shit as it’s been framed, and deal with it. You fight right there inside the bar. Never go outside.”
Now for most normal people such advice would seem bizarre and a world away. But for us it was the holy grail of survival tactics. It told us that you didn’t need to dance around with your fists up in the air while peacocking about how tough you are. Fighting was not for show. Fighting was what you did when there was no other choice and you had better do it well. If it was going to happen, you accepted the conditions as presented and did not allow the other person, or anyone else, to reframe the argument or circumstances in anyway.
So a few years later when I was in a night club and shit happened, I instantly remembered that most valuable lesson from my teenage years. My opponent was close and ready. He nodded his head towards the door. I nodded no, here. The music was loud with the base rattling across my legs. People jumped up and down on the dance floor which seemed to shake the whole place. The song playing was Blue by Eiffel 65. The lyrics of the song echoed in my head:
Yo listen up here’s a story
About a little guy that lives in a blue world
And all day and all night and everything he sees
Is just blue like him inside and outside
Blue is his house with a blue little window
And a blue corvette
And everything is blue for him and himself
And everybody around
’cause he ain’t got nobody to listen to
About a little guy that lives in a blue world
And all day and all night and everything he sees
Is just blue like him inside and outside
Blue is his house with a blue little window
And a blue corvette
And everything is blue for him and himself
And everybody around
’cause he ain’t got nobody to listen to
I’m blue da ba dee da ba die…
We both stepped towards each other while swinging two right overhands. Mine connected and his glanced off the side of my head. Following with a left and another right, both of which also connected, my opponent stumbled. My only thought was to get the job done.
What I began to realize in later years is that the bar was symbolic of life in general. The bar represented our perceptions and interpretations. We approach truth from these perceptions and interpretations. When we find ourselves in a conflict of any type the other person is attempting to take us outside the bar where we can be influenced by their perceptions and interpretations. They attempt to reframe the conflict or argument or debate. Only when standing firm in our own perceptions and interpretations can we face the challenge as it was originally framed in its inception. When we allow the challenge to become reframed we are not fighting the fight we think or believe we are fighting. We are fighting the other persons fight.
In later years I would come to realize that this simple advice from my youth was in fact one of the underlying principles of psychological warfare. The purpose of psyops are to move a mass of people from one way of thinking to another way of thinking. There is a process and structure which utilizes the current perceptions and interpretations of a population before creating an event or series of events which twist those original perceptions and interpretations around and in the direction which is desired.
The perfect example of this today can be seen in the Ukraine where the demographic divide between Ukrainian speaking and Russian speaking people is being “represented” in the coup which just took place over the weekend. The choices as presented to the people of that country, or how the argument has been framed, is that the Ukraine either economically merges with the European Union or with Russia. It’s the natural and perfect fracture from which a psyop can be targeted against the people. The country speaks two languages and is the central hub for natural gas exports to the EU. What better place to divide the people than between choosing either Europe or Russia.
I would refer the reader back to Part Three of this series as a refresher on the Hegelian Dialectic. In that essay we stated that through the Hegelian Dialectic process the sovereign debt issue of the world was going to be used as leverage to enact the monetary system changes to the international economy. Already Russia is holding payments back from the Ukraine which is putting that country in a default situation. Right on cue the International Monetary Fund is offering to restructure the sovereign debt.
With that being said there is a legitimate chess move taking place in the Ukraine, just as there is in Venezuela, and potentially erupting again in Egypt. Whoever wants to control the natural gas market of Europe would also like to control the energy shipping lanes of the Suez Canal and the oil production of South America.
These are just micro moves that are allowed to happen within the larger macro centralization process.
Going back to the psychological warfare structure it is easy to see that there is in fact an operation taking place to divert attention away from the facts of the transition from the old economic system to the new SDR system. One of the key components being utilized is the “weapons of the weak” tool used in conspiracy theories. See post “What Are Conspiracy Theories?”
In that post we touched on how the renting seeking elite are using these “weapons” against the larger disorganized group. Conspiracy theories, born from truth, have been reframed to change our perceptions and interpretations to divert away from the real process of change and transition.
There are two different types of psychological operation groups. One is government sponsored military oriented teams. The other is private industrial based teams. Often both teams will work together. Television networks themselves are a form of psychological operation, as are music production companies and their distribution networks.
In psychological warfare tactics the initial step is the planning process. The planning consists of Supporting Units and Operational Units.
From there the Target Audience is determined and analyzed. Some of the questions asked at this stage are:
- What audience can best enact the desired change?
- What lines of persuasion can be used on that audience?
- What media will effectively work?
- What events can be engineered to reframe perceptions and interpretations?
From there the psychological operation is developed and all supporting media is produced. Distribution and dissemination of the operational products then takes place. This distribution and dissemination can be a quick one time release or a slow intentional process of manipulation.
Once the initial “weapons” are in play than a form of “propaganda analysis” takes place with tweaks made to the overall process. These tweaks usually take on the appearance of counterpropaganda. The counterpropaganda is a very powerful weapon from which the real desired change to perceptions and interpretations take place.
Only by standing our ground within our original perceptions and interpretations can we hope to fight the psychological operation. Do not go outside the bar. Fight the fight as it has been originally framed.
The transition from the old dollar reserve system of Bretton Woods to the new SDR bond debt consolidation system as engineered by the International Monetary Fund and the Bank for International Settlements is clearly framed but hidden from the general population at large. Much like the true mysteries are hidden from the blue lodge masonic initiates. Only once we elevate our thinking and desires to a higher level can we begin to understand the scope and simplicity of the emerging system and its far reaching purpose.
There are many conspiracy theories and fabricated stories which exist on the internet as forms of psychological warfare operations. The clear sign that these stories are “methods of persuasion” can be found in the fact that the supporting evidence exists only within the storyline itself. No outside confirmation or sources are made available. Information from outside the storyline is presented and interpreted as supporting facts. They are not facts supporting the original perceptions and interpretation. The argument is being reframed.
Many of the links and other supporting documents are additional sources of “persuasion” which have been re-cycled through the target audience and resubmitted as facts to support the original media production component of the psychological operation. These are in fact the counterpropaganda objectives.
My blog site has been modestly attempting to explain the processes and procedures of the transition from the old system to the new system. My sources are the original documents and information as presented by the International Monetary Fund, the Bank for International Settlements, and the G20 Summit itself. Not to mention the numerous other sources like the U.S. Treasury, Congress, and central banks from around the world. These sources are easily confirmed outside the storyline which I am presenting. Truth is often hidden in plain sight. Often in plain sight makes for the best hiding place of all.
Some of the psychological warfare operational units or “personalities” (media productions) have taken notice of my humble site. If these personalities were legit and where in fact who they say they are, then why take any notice of my blog or writing at all. Of what importance would I be to such important people who are attempting to change the world by overthrowing the banking cartel which has ruled the world since the French Revolution?
What is the challenge which my site presents?
I do not get distracted very easy. I stand my ground and fight inside the bar.
And the music pounds inside my head:
I have a blue house with a blue window.
Blue is the color of all that I wear.
Blue are the streets and all the trees are too.
I have a girlfriend and she is so blue.
Blue are the people here that walk around,
Blue like my corvette, it’s standing outside.
Blue are the words I say and what I think.
Blue are the feelings that live inside me.
Blue is the color of all that I wear.
Blue are the streets and all the trees are too.
I have a girlfriend and she is so blue.
Blue are the people here that walk around,
Blue like my corvette, it’s standing outside.
Blue are the words I say and what I think.
Blue are the feelings that live inside me.
I’m blue da ba dee da ba die…
It is said that in order to be an effective fighter one most learn to love his opponent. And I did with each strike of my fists and elbows. Blood is sticky. Eyes are swollen. Sorrow runs deep.
As I grow older I understand that there are many methods of fighting. And as I’ve stated before, I stand with you, my brethren of the disorganized. – JC Collins
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