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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Erbil expects to resolve its problems with Baghdad after the parliamentary elections and the formati

    Bama Diva
    Bama Diva

    Posts : 1791
    Join date : 2012-12-21
    Location : Gulf Coast

    Erbil expects to resolve its problems with Baghdad after the parliamentary elections and the formati Empty Erbil expects to resolve its problems with Baghdad after the parliamentary elections and the formati

    Post by Bama Diva Mon 07 Apr 2014, 5:26 pm

    Erbil expects to resolve its problems with Baghdad after the parliamentary elections and the formation of new government

     Mon Apr 07 2014 

    | (Voice of Iraq) - long-Presse / Erbil promised the Kurdistan Regional Government, on Monday, that the principles upon which the new Iraq compatibility and multi-party, democratic and federal, began to "decay" causing the emergence of "differences and tensions "between Baghdad and Erbil, and as expected the solution to the outstanding problems between the two parties after the next parliamentary elections, confirmed that the Kurds will contribute the role of" senior "in the formation of the new government, which should be" agreed upon in advance. " 

    said the official spokesman for the Kurdistan Regional Government Sven Dzia in an interview (to the extent Press), said that "the new Iraq founded on a set of political principles agreed about the multi-party democracy and federalism," and expressed regret that "the principles began to fade one day after another."

     added Dzia that the "fundamentals do not receive the necessary attention now, it is a breach of laws and the Constitution , in the absence of political consensus to some extent, "returned to that whole" led to the emergence of differences and tensions instead of convergence between the center and the region. "

     explained the official spokesman for the Kurdistan Regional Government, that "the region tried, despite all that, through the government and its political leadership, work convergence between Erbil and Baghdad and the emphasis on dialogue to remove the complexities and resolve the outstanding problems between the two parties, "adding that" the strained relationship between Erbil and pagoda continued AAN 2013 the past, to the fifth month, where the President of the Government of the Territory Barzani, visited Baghdad, and then followed by Visit of the President federal government, Nouri al-Maliki, to Irbil, to the then head of the Kurdistan region, Massoud Barzani, visited Baghdad, which led to resort to dialogue on the crisis between the two parties. "

     stressed Dzia, the need for "the continuation of dialogue between the two sides," stressing that "a solution to the outstanding problems would be in the interest of all Iraqis."
     He Dzia, that "the past three months, saw the visit of a delegation from the Kurdistan Regional Government Baghdad three times, during which the two sides several proposals amid constructive, but that did not result in a solution , "hoping" to reach a solution to many of the outstanding issues between the two parties after the parliamentary elections in thirty this April. " 

    He Dzia that it was necessary "to work more seriously to resolve the outstanding problems after the elections and the formation of the new Iraqi government," expected to "contribute to the Kurds played a prominent role in the political equation to come out of the new government, which should be agreed in advance to serve all Iraqis and end the outstanding problems with the region. "

     It is noteworthy that there is a package disagreements chronic relationship between the federal government and the Kurdistan region, most notably the file of oil, which fueled the latest crisis between them and causing disable pass the draft federal budget, but the work of the Federal Parliament, to hold Baghdad to export Erbil 400 thousand barrels of oil a day, and cut the allocations of the region, including staff salaries, while I went back the last that condition punitive, among several other paragraphs, and expressed willingness to export 100 thousand b / d gesture good faith, were unwelcome 

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