Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

Welcome to the Neno's Place!

Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


I can be reached by phone or text 8am-7pm cst 972-768-9772 or, once joining the board I can be reached by a (PM) Private Message.

Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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4 posters

    Parliamentary Legal Committee: 2014 will be no budget


    Posts : 1317
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    Location : Mt. Pleasant, TX

    Parliamentary Legal Committee: 2014 will be no budget Empty Parliamentary Legal Committee: 2014 will be no budget

    Post by csd9013 Thu 29 May 2014, 7:13 pm

    Fallujah News / Baghdad ... A member of the legal committee in the House of Representatives Hassoun Fatlawi that the Iraqi constitution select age Parliament four years and so the old ends in the 14th of next June and can not in any way be extended even for one hour, likely to be the current year without budget. 
    added Fatlawi that the parliament would leave the budget law to the new session and there is no sign of approval and will leave intact if any law, pointing out that even the new parliament will not be able to pass the budget for the difficulty of the situation and the difficulty of the first session and choose the speaker and his deputies and selecting a president all of these things You need months and so we've come to the end of the year, likely to be in 2014 without a budget.

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    Parliamentary Legal Committee: 2014 will be no budget Empty Re: Parliamentary Legal Committee: 2014 will be no budget

    Post by Neno Thu 29 May 2014, 9:48 pm

    Not really what I wanted too hear for June. .. ;)
    Interacting Investor
    Interacting Investor

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    Parliamentary Legal Committee: 2014 will be no budget Empty Re: Parliamentary Legal Committee: 2014 will be no budget

    Post by weslin3 Thu 29 May 2014, 11:03 pm

    Nope! No lika!
    Dedicated Investor
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    Parliamentary Legal Committee: 2014 will be no budget Empty Re: Parliamentary Legal Committee: 2014 will be no budget

    Post by kingsranch Fri 30 May 2014, 8:21 am

    Now maybe I can start to wallpaper the chicken coop  lol!

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    Parliamentary Legal Committee: 2014 will be no budget Empty Re: Parliamentary Legal Committee: 2014 will be no budget

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