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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    The decision to dissolve the Iraqi army ... American retaliation made by "integration officers and m

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    The decision to dissolve the Iraqi army ... American retaliation made by "integration officers and m Empty The decision to dissolve the Iraqi army ... American retaliation made by "integration officers and m

    Post by Rocky Fri 09 Apr 2021, 1:53 pm

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    The decision to dissolve the Iraqi army ... American retaliation made by "integration officers and militias"
    April 09, 2021

    On the anniversary of the occupation of Iraq (Facebook)
    Ultra Iraq Editorial Team 
    On this day, and 18 years ago, 49 countries led by the United States and Britain entered Baghdad in a battle that lasted from March 19 to May 1, 2003, which ended with the control of the capital and important centers throughout the country, while it was accompanied by acts of looting and armed robbery. On the banks and state departments, at a time when the foreign forces stood by and watched the chaos, which greatly contributed to the destruction of the country's infrastructure.
    In a jar of a pen, Bremer ended the most powerful armies in the region, the Iraqi Army, to plunge the country into a cycle of chaos
    On May 6, 2003, US President George W. Bush appointed diplomat [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] , in place of retired General [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] , to dissolve the Baath party, the army and the Iraqi institutions, causing Iraq to enter a cycle of endless wars, according to observers. Bremer arrived in Baghdad on May 12, 2003 to work as the supervisor of Iraq affairs as the personal envoy of President [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] , with the help of a number of US ambassadors and generals.
    Also read: The  [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    Bremer wrote his name in history three times within a month, according to what Libyan politician and journalist Mustafa al-Fitouri believes, saying that “Bremer was appointed head of the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA), the administration that ran Iraq after its occupation by the United States in April 2003. And this is what pushed him to be the most powerful American citizen outside the United States, similar to none other than General [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] who led the American occupation forces in Japan after his defeat in 1945. "
    "A week later, history was made again when he signed Order No. 1 banning the Baath Party in Iraq, and the launch of what has become known as de-Baathification from Iraqi society," al-Fitouri added.
    Regarding his third decision, which Al-Fitouri believes is the most important decision taken by the American ruler, “On May 23, 2003, Coalition Provisional Authority Order No. 2, called the Coalition Provisional Authority No. 2, came into effect; The state is responsible for military affairs, intelligence institutions and the entire security apparatus. "
    With a pen stroke, Bremer ended the most powerful armies in the region, plunging the country into a spiral of chaos, while the decision to disband the army was taken before the American forces entered Iraq, according to the director of the Republican Center for Strategic Studies, Moataz Mohi.
    In an interview with Ultra Iraq, Mohi added, "The American vision was that the Iraqi army was subordinate to the previous regime and that it would resist the occupation issue and remain defending the regime’s institutions, and that is why it must be resolved, not only the army, but all security institutions."
    This is what the civilian governor refers to in his book (The [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] ) that the US administration informed him of the decision to de-Baathification before he joined his job in Baghdad, after Undersecretary of Defense Douglas Feith showed him a draft on “eradicating him from Iraqi society,” and in the same book Bremer admits that "the Iraqi army is not all bad. Many Iraqis have served honorably in the armed forces for generations," but all the forces represented on the Governing Council were unanimous in dissolving it.
    Mohi continues, "The attempt to rebuild the army again after the removal of officers loyal to Saddam's regime, which caused a great security confusion, external interference and the emergence of cases of violence and terrorism that occupied Iraq for a long time," ruling out the existence of regional interference with the decision to dissolve the Iraqi army, saying, "It was An agreed American decision, which is part of its strategy to enter Iraq to re-establish a new Iraqi army. "
    A security expert says that all Iraqi political parties, including those with an ideological background, did not believe in building a strong, professional army independent of partisan influences.
    Bremer, in his book, refers to a report by the US State Department entitled (Project on the Future of Iraq), which stated that "the future army in Iraq cannot be an extension of the former army that has become a tool to serve the dictatorship." Three months after the historic decision, the commander of the coalition forces began In Iraq, General [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] a force to deal with ongoing insurgencies, which led to Coalition Authority Order No. 22 in August authorizing the establishment of a new Iraqi army, and the following month, the Civil Defense Division was established under Order No. 28.
    Also read:  [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    Security expert Ahmed Al-Sharifi describes Bremer's decision as "wrong and systematic to destroy the infrastructure of the Iraqi army, inferring" evidence from the first days of the occupation that exaggerated the destruction of all infrastructure, including radars at civilian airports.
    In an interview with "Ultra Iraq", Sharifi says, "There was a great exaggeration and revenge in destroying the infrastructure to weaken the capabilities of the state, because the army is the guarantor of state sovereignty." New politician. "
    And confirms the former US civil administrator in Iraq Paul Bremer, "The decision to dissolve the Iraqi army was taken in consultation with local politicians and senior officials in London, and that there was no rejection of the idea on the British side." 
    On rebuilding the army again, Al-Sharifi says, "All Iraqi political parties, including those with an ideological background, did not believe in building a strong, professional army independent of partisan influences, and to guarantee the immunity of the internal and external front." It broke the back of the military and security establishment and made it weak, as well as buying up receivables and freeing the hand of the corrupt. "
    Al-Sharifi stresses that “it is not possible to build a strong army capable of performing its functional role in protecting the country's sovereignty and its borders, unless it is independent and far from political parties. The meta quality in controlling institutions and being subordinate to them. "
    In June 2003, the Coalition Authority began work on assembling a new Iraqi army, and General Paul Eitan was appointed to be responsible for the new training mission, but General Ayten soon discovered that the CPA and the US military were not very interested in rebuilding the army. According to press reports, All he got was a 24-page slide show from US Central Command and $ 173 million, plus a cadre of five.
    A security expert estimates the number of integrated officers in the military establishment at 40% of the total number of officers in the Iraqi military establishment
    The military vacuum left by the dissolution of the Iraqi army allowed the formation of militias within the new military institution, which made it a hostage to political parties. According to the military expert, Moayad Al-Juhaishi, "the Americans colluded with the Iraqi political parties in the destruction of the military establishment."
    In an interview with Ultra Iraq, Al-Juhaishi added that “the weakening of the state’s official army was planned in the formation of armed militias, as the Federal Police forces were formed with the approval of the American side,” noting that “the political forces were afraid that the military doctrine would be returned to the army to manage A coup against them, so they took the initiative to form auxiliary forces in the Interior Ministry, armed with similar weapons, with the weapons of the Ministry of Defense.
    Also read:  [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    Regarding the stage of rebuilding the army, Al-Juhaishi says that “some professional officers were trying to rebuild a strong army,” but the political will was stronger than them so that what are known as merger officers were introduced, and they were elements who did not enter the military college and were assigned to the military and security establishment according to party loyalty ".
    Al-Juhaishi estimated the number of officers integrated into the military institution at 40% of the total number of officers in the Iraqi military establishment.
    In October 2020, Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi reopened the file of the Iraqi army officers, who were excluded from the army by previous governments, which was dissolved by a decision of the American civil administrator Paul Bremer in 2003, and Al-Kazemi is trying to return a large segment of them, and to strengthen the military institution with their military expertise, In a welcome move, however, officials have reduced the government's ability to implement the decision, especially as political forces will reject it.
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