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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    In the document.. Parliamentary signatures were collected to hold an emergency session of Parliament

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    In the document.. Parliamentary signatures were collected to hold an emergency session of Parliament Empty In the document.. Parliamentary signatures were collected to hold an emergency session of Parliament

    Post by Rocky Tue 24 Aug 2021, 6:56 am

    In the document.. Parliamentary signatures were collected to hold an emergency session of Parliament regarding lifting abuses

    •  Time: 08/24/2021 10:37:58
    •  Reading: 2,041 times

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    {Political: Al Furat News} A number of members of the House of Representatives collected signatures to hold an emergency parliamentary session.
    Six deputies, namely Sattar Al-Jabri, Siham Al-Moussawi, Abbas Al-Atafi, Enas Naji, Faisal Al-Nayli and Abdul Amir Taiban, called in a joint statement, a copy of which was received by the agency {Euphrates News}, a copy of which was received by the Presidency of the House of Representatives to hold an emergency session "in view of the circumstances that the country is going through in the circumstances Difficult and at all levels, we see that there is an ill-considered campaign to remove the encroachments (slums), especially housing, which aggravate and worsen the situation, and it is a step in which an attempt to shuffle the papers under the title of revenge for the martyr of duty, the director of Karbala municipality Abeer, forgetting that most areas are inhabited by those who are below the poverty line and in If they are removed without finding solutions to their housing, which is guaranteed by the constitution, it is a clear injustice.”
    The statement indicated that "there are two bills within the House of Representatives, the first guarantees housing for every Iraqi, and the second guarantees addressing the construction of slums on official and agricultural lands, especially those that have turned into residential areas, with solutions to the housing crisis."
    The six deputies demanded "to hold an emergency session on the subject of the above research and find quick solutions to seriously discuss the aforementioned laws and stop the campaign to immediately lift the abuses, while completing a full study on the possibility of solving the issue legally."
    It is noteworthy that several provinces are witnessing campaigns to lift abuses in shops and residential homes, at the behest of the federal government, after the murder of Karbala municipality director Abeer Salim, who was assassinated in the line of duty by one of the neighbours, who was recently sentenced to death by hanging.

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