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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

Welcome to the Neno's Place!

Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


I can be reached by phone or text 8am-7pm cst 972-768-9772 or, once joining the board I can be reached by a (PM) Private Message.

Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    American Consulate {Euphrates News}: We have a great desire to develop all economic and commercial a

    Admin Assist
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    American Consulate {Euphrates News}: We have a great desire to develop all economic and commercial a Empty American Consulate {Euphrates News}: We have a great desire to develop all economic and commercial a

    Post by Rocky Sun Sep 07, 2014 8:34 am

    American Consulate {Euphrates News}: We have a great desire to develop all economic and commercial activities with the Government of Basra

    {Basra: Euphrates News} expressed the American consulate in Basra, all keen to develop economic and trade activities and programs to strengthen relations with young people, indicating that American companies have the desire to invest in Basra.

    He said the American consul in Basra province, Matthias Mettmann told {Euphrates News} on Sunday that "the American consulate working level of active and very high on the development of all activities with the local government in Basra on several areas, including economic and commercial building bridges with all of Iraqi society, including the young and care for a lot of cultural exchange, health care, providing legal advice to community groups in order to get legal advice. "

    "We have American companies desire the fact that investment in Basra and the best proof of this American company that has contracted with a group of companies Moussawi, creating one of the jetties of the port stronghold in addition to other companies looking to work in Basra, in coordination with the governor of Basra, who is looking forward to many projects and construction in Basra."

    "In the past few months, there was a delegation from the state of Texas, headed by Vice-Mayor of the city and search for all the opportunities for investment and reconstruction will be sent a similar delegation from the local government and state departments and the private sector in order to emphasize the recommendations that emerged from the first visit."

    He continued, saying, "We have met with the Governor and Consul We are amazed by the commitment of the governor of Basra Majed Nasraoui for the development of Basra and the provision of services to the people, and We have read a lot of plans for the reality of the resources that are available in Basra, the most important of petro-dollars."

    He said the "contract with the company Nasraoui Hill International confirms administrative frameworks to provide a good working highly skilled in order to conclude contracts and to establish projects" Ended 42

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