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    Kissinger: The new world order will be a partnership between America and China

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    Kissinger: The new world order will be a partnership between America and China Empty Kissinger: The new world order will be a partnership between America and China

    Post by Rocky Thu 18 Sep 2014, 4:45 pm

    Kissinger: The new world order will be a partnership between America and China

    In his new book that the modern state has been eroded 
    Now aged 91 years, and maybe this last wrote Henry Kissinger, the most famous foreign minister in the history of America's (and the history of the world). Perhaps the Minister wrote more books; not only one book about his memoirs. But wrote 3; «years, the White House» (when he was national security adviser to President Nixon). And «the first years of State» (when he was foreign minister to President Nixon). And «second-year State» (Minister of Foreign Affairs for President Ford). 
    Prior to that, is a professor at Harvard University, he published five books: «Metternich and the problems of peace» and «Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy» and «American foreign policy options» and «NATO» and «articles in foreign policy». 
    After his retirement, and in addition to writing his memoirs, he wrote 10 books. Some simply a collection of his speeches and columns in newspapers by an American. And other books of the following: «diplomatic» and «Vietnam: a personal history». And «China». 
    But his new book: «Arld and Order,» (global system) is not a book of secrets revealed. Nor the opinion of a new book. 
    Since the first book «Metternich and the problems of peace» (for strategic balance of power, and the status quo, depending on the German commander who united Germany and fought against its enemies), and even book «scientific system», did not alter Kissinger, his primary, made famous by; «realpolitik» (realpolitik). 
    He said that since the end of the cold war between the two camps east and west (with the fall of the Berlin Wall and the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Russian Communist Party, nearly a quarter century ago), became America is leading the world on their own. But, as he wrote: «became the world without a stable system». For this, it must be «global system». 
    Kissinger did not say that the world order is required should be American, such as the theory of President Bush's father: «New Order, and Arld» (new world order) in the context that sent the first American troops to the Middle East (1990 to liberate Kuwait from the Iraqi occupation). But Kissinger said that the new world order will be a partnership between America and China. 
    Thus, out of Russia lead the world. And put it between the East (China) and the West (America). The transfer line (red line) between the east and west of the River «oder» (between Germany and Eastern Europe), to the Ural Mountains (central Russia). 
    Thus, «section» Russia between East and West, geographically and politically, and psychologically. And the like, and forever, make all Russian schizophrenic personality, like, forever, avenged his family to the Germans against the might of a thousand years of Russia's tsars (even Putin). 
    Kissinger did not change his mind. This is the last stages of realpolitik. No values, no morals. Nothing about the spread of freedom in China. Nothing for strengthened in Russia. Nothing about strengthening in American foreign policy. 
    Kissinger spoke in his new book, too much about «the security of the United States» (the basis of the theory of realpolitik). But first: did not know a clear definition of this «security». 
    Second: He did not say that «security» United States, and the security of any state (and anyone) varies from time to time. 
    As long as the policy does not focus on the ethical, it and wanders in the evaluation of policies and interests on security, for example, said that the reasons for the lack of a global system at the present time is the disintegration of the modern state. In Europe, this happens intentionally. As part of the development of the European Union, who agreed to undergo Europeans him. But, Kissinger said: This was «at the expense of the fact that internationally active EU». This means that Kissinger cares more about Europe as a world power as a symbol of the historic unity and freedom. 
    For example, he said in the «Middle East»: «eroded states of neglect. And turned into a sectarian conflicts, and ethnic lines. And these conflicts are exacerbated due to external forces ». Not one word about the importance of freedom and democracy in these countries. He also believes that there is a mismatch between the economic system in the world (the free flow of goods and capital) and the political system (national, and national interests, and homeland security), and that one of the main causes of the economic crisis (due to speculation and adventures). He criticized the regional economic organizations, such as «ASEAN» and «father» and «the 7 industrialized nations». He did not say anything about the importance of peoples' control (through the elected governments of democratic elections free and fair) on the economy, then the economy of the world. He did not say anything against the control of the companies and banks. 
    But, Is the reason for that is because, since leaving the State Department, and the foundations of «Kissinger Land Ososhitz» (Kissinger and his advisers) became a millionaire because of diploid «counsels» for the largest banks and companies of the world? 
    He bemoans the era when the political «not afraid of adventures» (does not care about the opinion of his constituents often), which disparage the Internet era, the era of openness: «the era of a new kind of partnership for each owner of a computer in the local and national policies and external». He says in this regard: «defeated information wisdom». Any wisdom? The wisdom of President Bush? Kissinger praises on Bush for «realistic» and «keen to America's security». Writes in this book, was not known for his strong defense and the public about Bush. He also says that he supported the invasion of Iraq, but he did not say that this live image before. 
    But, back Kissinger criticizes Exchange America trillion dollars to build a democracy in Iraq, and the other, as if democracy value Nkadih.oaaty Kissinger, Obama's share of the cash, as it believes that the policy holder «negative, failed to build alliances, and reassure allies, and arming those who will fight the enemy without the direct use of American power ».okon Kissinger wants Obama to be like his idol military dictator German Metternich. Kissinger has not changed, is not expected to change during the rest of his years in this world.

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