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    Nassif calls on Washington to adopt obtaining compensation for Iraq from nations that support terror

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Nassif calls on Washington to adopt obtaining compensation for Iraq from nations that support terror Empty Nassif calls on Washington to adopt obtaining compensation for Iraq from nations that support terror

    Post by Rocky Thu 09 Oct 2014, 6:44 am

    Nassif calls on Washington to adopt obtaining compensation for Iraq from nations that support terrorism

    Baghdad-and babysit - demanded the MP for the coalition of state law, high Nassif, on Thursday, states that supported terrorism and caused the entry of terrorists into Iraq to compensate Iraq than to the right of the human and material losses, both at the hands of terrorists or because of ongoing military operations, stressing the need to adopt the United States This being the case of the change in Iraq.

    Nassif said in a statement received news agency public opinion (and babysit), a copy of it, he was "having been to disclose the identity of countries supporting terrorism beyond doubt and through statements, Ryan Crocker, Joe Biden, should bear these countries the responsibility for compensation Iraq for human and material losses which also suffered due to the fall of the Iraqi cities in the hands of the terrorists and the death and injury of many civilians and military personnel, in addition to the establishment of coalition aircraft bombed departments and government institutions and universities where terrorists are holed up, which means that the infrastructure in those cities are almost devastating. "

    She said Nassif that "countries that extended the terrorists with money and weapons collected the pieces from different countries of the world among them al-Qaeda and Front victory and others, and came with them to Syria, and we have warned repeatedly that terrorism will move into Iraq through Syria, has already happened and fell several Iraqi cities in the hands of terrorists. "

    It showed Nassif that "the United States should adopt the issue of obtaining compensation for Iraq from nations that supported and financed terrorism in the region, given that America is that the change in Iraq," renewed its call for the Iraqi government because "proceed to file lawsuits in international courts against those states "RO / h 

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