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    Peshmerga: Iraqi army helpless and without faith .. and these are the reasons for the arrival of Daa

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    Peshmerga: Iraqi army helpless and without faith .. and these are the reasons for the arrival of Daa Empty Peshmerga: Iraqi army helpless and without faith .. and these are the reasons for the arrival of Daa

    Post by Rocky Fri 17 Oct 2014, 9:41 am

    Peshmerga: Iraqi army helpless and without faith .. and these are the reasons for the arrival of Daash to Erbil! 

    17-10-2014 01:05 AM

    Detect an attack organization of the Islamic State (Daash) on the fragility of Iraq's military infrastructure and intelligence of the Iraqi army, which was built by the United States after the overthrow of Saddam Hussein. He is unable to protect Iraq from any attack, as well as political power mired in corruption and tugging since 2004, did not find time to build a strong army that is based on the doctrine of the University. These are some of the tribulations of Iraq, there are many others, especially the ongoing war between the Kurds and the day Daash in Iraq, down to the eye Arabs (Kobanî) in Syria, threatened to fall from one moment to another.

    The team said Jabbar Yawar, secretary-general of the Ministry of Peshmerga in Kurdistan region of Iraq, the Peshmerga forces able to exhaustion 'Daash', betting on international aid that has been given to the region.

    He told the 'day' of the Lebanese: 'military aid that arrived in the region rescued from falling, however, the terrorist organization, and made the Peshmerga forces move from site to site guns passive attacker, with Daash inflict great losses'.
    In calendar military situation in Iraq today, confirms Yawar that put the Peshmerga much better than the situation of the Iraqi army, 'which is in continuous fighting along the borders stretches 1,050 kilometers, and go through five provinces of Iraq, from Mosul to Irbil, passing through the Kirkuk and Salahuddin, down to Diyala, Mosul Dam is also freed, and continues to edit the rest of the areas that fell, however Daash, and develop plans for that court. '
    Word Yawar fall of Mosul and Anbar, however Daash to the fragility of the Iraqi army, 'The difference six military that make up failed to withstand the Daash, not to mention the political problems between the Sunni bloc and the Baghdad government, which prevented the troops from combat Daash in Mosul, Salahuddin and parts of Kirkuk, Either delivered elements of these teams advanced weapons and heavy regulation and ran away, or engaged in its ranks and fighting on his side. '
    He said the day: 'the absence of joint combat doctrine in the federal army and air support from the weakness of the factors that contributed to the collapse of the army quickly, and the occupation of Daash a number of Iraqi provinces, especially Sunni ones'.
    Acknowledges Yawar that the Iraqi army finds it difficult to edit the Sunni areas of the hands Daash, such as Anbar and Salah al-Din and Mosul, 'Iraqi forces have not been able, despite use of all available means of liberation Hit in Anbar, the center of Salah al-Din in Tikrit, and the reality on the ground on the ground shows that Daash controlled only the Sunni areas, and we hope the year of the brothers, who in turn suffer from injustice, to cooperate with the federal government and the Government of the region to get rid of Kidd this terrorist organization and eliminate it. '
    But, how do you arrived Daash to the borders of Erbil, even though everyone knows that he has plans for that long?, Answer Yawar: 'We heard before the attack organization on June 10 (June) on the connector that is something that is good for Iraq and the conductor, and we were informed by the joint committees The meetings that we we hold in Baghdad that there was suspicious movements and dangerous occur on the border with Syria, and must be stricken in its infancy, but did not Let a receptive ear, and felt the federal government and Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki at the time that what we ask of the door of bids, and even when he attacked Daash Mosul asked them to let Federal support of our troops that are there, came to answer it is able to repel the attack, picking what happened, and fell into the connector, and the abandonment of the citizens thereof, and arrived Daash as a result of the erroneous policy Maliki Baghdad to the borders'.
    He added: 'Engaged Peshmerga to attack with all my strength, but they do not have modern weapons, such as those dominated by the organization in Mosul, the Maliki government has not processed the Peshmerga forces and trained days, not armed and funded, although it forces government official in accordance with the Federal Constitution, but it has withstood even the beginning of the month of August, and when they ran out of ammunition, and we no longer have any source to get them, he was able Daash of breach our defenses and progress toward Erbil, but thanks to the help of Washington and a number of coalition countries, we were able to change the equation of passive defense for Erbil to the attack on the Daash, and work to liberate our land '. He ruled Yawar, the fall of Baghdad at the moment, 'The Iraqi army capable of protecting Baghdad and prevent the entry of Daash rampant in areas close to them, such as Amiriyat Fallujah and Ramadi and Saqlawiyah'.
    In Kobanî different story. Vmqatlo city criticized the government because of the weakness of the region, which has provided aid to the besieged city. Word Yawar said: 'Despite the discrepancy with some Kurdish political parties in the city, showed the region is ready to support the city, we asked Washington and allies to assist Kurdish fighters remain steadfast, and we helped them as much as possible because we do not have more and wait for international aid, The region comprises mainly five million people, and added to them a million and half a million displaced people of Syria and the Iraqi provinces are working to help them and take care of them, and this is a big burden on us. '
    Word Yawar first reason for the inability of the region to help Kobanî placed geographical complex, and long-term 300 km from the Syrian border, and the inability to deliver aid to them, 'Putting Kobanî akin to Gaza or Sinjar in terms of geography'.

    Do not fear Yawar of survival Daash, 'the situation in Iraq and Syria today is similar to the Status of Tora Bora, Afghanistan, air strikes and is very useful for the Peshmerga forces and Kobanî and until the Iraqi government, because they stopped offering Daash and Tnhech and destroy his stores and heavy weapons, but the liberation of areas of this terrorist organization is the process of international integrated, followed by the actual campaign training for Iraqi forces to be able to defend itself '. However, it excludes foreign interference in Iraq currently Priya.

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