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    Planning: Corruption Iraq faces a big challenge and we have taken steps to address it

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    Planning: Corruption Iraq faces a big challenge and we have taken steps to address it  Empty Planning: Corruption Iraq faces a big challenge and we have taken steps to address it

    Post by Rocky Tue 21 Oct 2014, 6:51 am

    Planning: Corruption Iraq faces a big challenge and we have taken steps to address it 

    Baghdad / term-Presse 

    The Minister of Planning Salman Jumaili, on Monday, that Iraq faces two challenges of terrorism and corruption, and pointed out that it requires concerted everyone to confront it, while pointing out that the ministry has developed new plans to combat corruption by simplifying administrative procedures and follow-up projects, students deploy schemes projects and materials used where the citizens to be partners in the fight against corruption.

    Salman said Jumaili in a speech at the celebratory week National Integrity filed by the Office of the Inspector General in the Ministry and attended (range Press), said that "Iraq faces two challenges of terrorism and corruption are calling on everyone to unite to face these challenges," noting that "one of the priorities of the current government is the fight against corruption and this is what made ​​the agenda of the first meeting of the Council of Ministers. " 
    added Jumaili that "the fight against corruption to be in the dissemination of humanitarian values, as well as a focus on behavior management that you must follow," he said, adding that "the phenomenon of corruption has become a major threat and a conduit for terrorism and must not be tolerated them and fight begins through good performance that respects the system of values ​​that were brought up against it. " 
    He Jumaili that "the plan of action the ministry in the coming period is the follow-up to the seriousness of the projects and the completion rates and applied with rates of exchange, as well as decoding administrative complexity in the transactions of the citizens, simplify and tighten to tackle corruption , "stressing that" corruption a big challenge for us and can not determine eliminate it in the timeframe, but we are taking the first steps so we are optimistic to achieve good results. " 
    and demanded the minister of planning to "deploy schemes projects and the materials used and how to refer the contract and the cost are available to citizens to be partners with us in the fight against corruption in the projects. " 
    For his part, Deputy Chairman of the Integrity Committee in the province of Baghdad, Ali Hjul during a speech at the ceremony that "address the rampant corruption in all institutions of the state are in several axes as proposals made ​​by the Committee." He explained Hjul that "these themes are building rights and a culture of integrity, to expedite the completion of corruption cases, tabulation and inform people on their results," noting that it "related to body integrity and legislation strict laws can not corrupt find a space where evading sanctions and give the role of Jean Integrity provincial marginalized in previous governments and set up supervisory systems in state institutions and the protection of the men of integrity who are exposed to threats. " 
    He Hjul to "tackle corruption starts from the Ministry of Planning, which rests with the minister because of planning the failed lead to failure and corruption." 
    The Iraqi Commission on Integrity announced (August 14, 2014), has announced the launch of its strategy to fight corruption for the years 2015 to 2019 in the next term, and pointed out that the draft strategy included addressing the challenges sectoral in state institutions in a practical way and patriotism, and confirmed that it would be more effective in the diagnosis and treatment, while denied the receipt complaints of the existence of the sale and purchase security positions. 
    , and is the phenomenon of corruption, "the biggest challenge" facing Iraq in addition to security, since the year 2003, especially the levels reached a leading international organizations specialized to the situation in Iraq is among the countries "most corrupt" in the world, with a solution third place in 2012 years. 
    were TI announced, in (the third of December 2013 the past), that five Arab countries occupied the first rank among the most corrupt countries in the world, and stressed that Somalia, Sudan and Libya followed by Iraq and Syria, are occupied mattresses First, according to the corruption index of the Organization for 2013, noting that the list included 177 countries. 
    noteworthy that the Integrity Commission has consistently appealed to the media to help them in their mission to expose corruption, although it has long practiced a policy of "black box" with him.

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