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    Integrity reopen 40 file corruption during the reign of al-Maliki

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Integrity reopen 40 file corruption during the reign of al-Maliki Empty Integrity reopen 40 file corruption during the reign of al-Maliki

    Post by Rocky Thu 23 Oct 2014, 8:07 am

    Integrity reopen 40 file corruption during the reign of al-Maliki

    Baghdad-Iraq-Presse -23 October / October: I decided to Parliamentary Integrity Committee re-open the 40 file financial corruption of the previous session as well as the issues and reached recently, with A source at the Commission that the priorities for the next four years to track corruption and hold negligent for these files through Velayati Nuri al-Maliki.
    This comes at a time of political blocs agreed in the House of Representatives to resolve differences about the presidencies of committees integrity and security, defense and legal, as it will be divided equally between the presidency and the National Alliance and the Union of Kurdistan forces. "
    He says Kurdistan Alliance MP Mahmoud Nour Eddin Ardalan "The Integrity Committee in the House of Representatives and developed a particular strategy and specific to open all files, financial and administrative corruption for years."
    He continues that "the coming period will be distributed to members of the Committee on Committees and all the mini-committee specializes in the research and the subject of a specific file," pointing out that the number of files that will be opened more than 40 file corruption. "
    Adds a member of the Parliamentary Integrity Committee that "the details of the names of files that will be re-investigated within the jurisdiction of the mini-committee which will raise a detailed report on these files and the actions that were taken."
    It stresses that "all files investigated by the Integrity Commission will reopen the previous investigation, as well as the arrival of new files will be investigated."
    For his part, said a member of the Integrity Committee Abdul Karim Alabtan that "the Parliamentary Integrity serious open all files of corruption retroactively since 2003."
     And confirms Alabtan that "the files that will be opened and re-investigated will include the post-2003," pointing out that "financial corruption after 2003 exceeded the perceptions and expectations, as well as the organization Transparency International listed Iraq among the advanced countries in the field of financial and administrative corruption" Ended (1)

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