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    Joe Weider - 1920-2013 The Father of Bodybuilding Passes


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            Joe Weider - 1920-2013      The Father of Bodybuilding Passes       Empty Joe Weider - 1920-2013 The Father of Bodybuilding Passes

    Post by Neno Sat 23 Mar 2013, 9:22 pm

            Joe Weider - 1920-2013      The Father of Bodybuilding Passes       Jweider-farewell

    JOE WEIDER 1920-2013

    The Father of Bodybuilding Passes

    By Peter McGough

    What a sad, sad day. It
    hardly seems possible that Joe Weider is no longer with us. Although he
    had been ill for some time it’s still a shuddering shock to learn that
    he passed away this morning, March 23. Of all, his accomplishments a
    personal feeling is that the word that describes him best is
    “visionary”. For over 70 years he preached that a bodybuilding lifestyle
    was a healthy pursuit for everyone.

    In the July 1950 issue of Your Physique Joe authored the by now iconic I Predict,
    in which he made ten predictions for the future. [The Ten Predictions
    are shown on another thread.] Reading them today is astonishing, because
    at the time they were written they would've been massive flights of
    fancy to scientists, the sporting community and the general populace.
    And yet all those predictions have come true. Not some of them, not most
    of them, all of them. Like Alexander Graham Bell testing his first
    phone, Joe called it.

    prophetic skills are the mark of a true visionary. And Joe's whole life
    has been about making visions and ideas a reality. We all hear tales of
    kids from poor backgrounds making it big in industry, commerce or show
    biz, but those fields already existed. Joe's story is different. By
    sheer force of will, he and his brother Ben barreled their way out of
    the ghettos of Montreal and created, from nothing, a sport and an
    industry that had no template or previous foundation.

    that background of accomplishments, it's only right and fitting that
    Joe is regaled as the Father of Bodybuilding. His 1940 immersion into
    publishing was the clarion call for turning bodybuilding competitions
    (which, in those days, were held at midnight in drafty church halls
    after weightlifting events) into a true sport. Then he proceeded to
    pioneer the manufacture of sports supplements, which today is a business
    that drives the whole sport. That really is the work of a visionary.

    Thinking of Joe on this
    day, as I’m sure millions now are, it is impossible to generalize: We
    all have a personal memory and a debt we owe to Joe. So indulge me as I
    speak about the Joe Weider I know – I refuse to say knew.

    As a
    youth in the early '60s, my interest in the subject of physical culture
    was first tweaked by way of the Superman comics, which used to have a Weider ad in the back. Anyone remember the phrase, "Be a Weider
    Wildcat, baby!” Seeing those ads, I was amazed at the arms of Freddy
    Ortiz and, later, those personifications of California beach
    muscle--Dave Draper and Larry Scott. To a young Brit living in northern
    European climes, the weather seemed heavenly, the bodybuilders like
    gods. But, elevated above even their celestial level, on an altogether
    different plane, was Joe Weider. To me, the name had a Zeus-like quality to it. Joe was the god of gods.

    to the present day and I still feel the same way about Joe. I still
    have cause to pinch myself that I used to get to sit down a couple of
    times a week with Zeus and shoot the breeze. Originally awed by the
    two-dimensional Joe from the pages of a DC comic book, I find myself more in awe of the multidimensional Joe Weider
    I came to know. He would call me from his office 20 yards from mine and
    in that much imitated voice would ask, “Can you spare me a few
    minutes?” Can I spare Zeus a few minutes? The teenage backstreet kid
    still lurking inside me would think, Are You kidding me? It was always
    longer than a few minutes as I sat in his office listening to his
    stories, and he never ceased to amaze me. What may have started out as a
    discussion about how Jay Cutler looked at a recent photo shoot would
    progress into a review of the problems in Iraq, segue into a discourse
    on the protocol that wolves follow to determine the leader of the pack
    and swing effortlessly back to bodybuilding, as Joe regaled me with anecdotes from the past.

    story he related to me occurred when I told him of my introduction to
    the sport via the Superman comics, and brought up the famous Charles
    Atlas "kick sand in my face" ads that appeared in the same publications.
    Atlas promoted his dynamic tension program, which involved no weight
    equipment but instead involved self-resistance exercises pitting one
    muscle against another. At the mention of Atlas' name, Joe's
    face brightened, his eyes twinkled as he told me of the first time he
    met Atlas, whose real name was Angelo Siciliano. It was at the New York
    Athletic Club in the late '40s. Joe was working out when Atlas walked over and introduced himself. During the conversation, Atlas told Joe, "You know, I'm a better businessman than you." Intrigued, Joe
    asked why. Atlas replied, "Because, for your barbell business, you have
    to get the stuff made and delivered to your warehouse. Then you have to
    pack it up and ship it to the customer, and it costs you a fortune. For
    my business, I just get eight-page pamphlets printed and then send them
    out through the post office." Having finished the story, Joe started laughing, obviously getting a kick out of recalling it.

    Hearing stories like these, from the mouth of a living legend, still, to this day, makes me thank my lucky stars that Joe
    invited me to move to the United States and work for FLEX in 1991. Upon
    my arrival, he told me, "I brought you here for your sarcasm." I
    replied, "Wow, it's great to feel wanted." Working with Joe, I learned a
    lot--an awful lot--and saw his creative genius executed at close hand.
    He gave me the ball and I ran with it like a bat out of hell. My wife
    Anne and I came to know Betty and forged a warm friendship with her.

    changed my life as he has changed millions over the decades. But he not
    only gave me the opportunity to meet and work with one of my heroes, he
    allowed me to form a relationship in which he was a mentor, friend and
    finally like a second father. I know countless others feel the same.

    story of perseverance is a mirror image of the core of his bodybuilding
    philosophy: start small; set and achieve short-term goals within a
    framework of larger objectives; learn from mistakes; if at first you
    don't succeed, try again; at all times have faith in your beliefs; don't
    listen to your detractors, instead surround yourself with positive
    energy; don't rest on your laurels; and never, ever, give up. Well, now
    the only force that could make Joe Weider give up has intervened. We
    should all cherish Joe’s memory and respect his legacy, because one
    thing is absolutely certain: There will never, ever, be another Joe Weider. Love ya Joe.

    Posts : 5132
    Join date : 2012-12-19
    Age : 61
    Location : The Sunshine State

            Joe Weider - 1920-2013      The Father of Bodybuilding Passes       Empty Re: Joe Weider - 1920-2013 The Father of Bodybuilding Passes

    Post by notazbad2000 Sun 24 Mar 2013, 8:21 am

    A legend has passed on!


    The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.
    Martin Luther King Jr., Strength to Love, 1963

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