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    Parliamentary Economic demanding mobile companies procuring debt and reveal the proposals to change

    Admin Assist
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    Parliamentary Economic demanding mobile companies procuring debt and reveal the proposals to change  Empty Parliamentary Economic demanding mobile companies procuring debt and reveal the proposals to change

    Post by Rocky Fri 08 Jan 2016, 3:02 pm

    Parliamentary Economic demanding mobile companies procuring debt and reveal the proposals to change the policy of the Central

    Editor: BK 2016/01/08 19:00 

    Long-Presse / Baghdad

    Confirmed by the Economic Commission parliamentary, on Friday, that the economic situation will be "the biggest challenge" during the current year, while unveiled proposals to change the central bank's policy of selling the dollar, raising its price against the dinar, called on the government to boost imports and obtaining debt of mobile phone companies.

    Said Nora Albjara, in an interview to (Medea Press), "The economic crisis is the most difficult faced by Iraq in the current 2016", usually those that "the biggest crisis of the security problem of Daash terrorist gangs".

    She Albjara, that "the economists expect a decline another oil prices, which requires from the Iraqi government and the central bank to prepare and develop the necessary to face it solutions", noting that "the parliamentary Finance Committee submitted a set of proposals out of the difficult economic situation in 2016, of which change the central bank policy Iraqi special to sell the currency, increasing the dollar's exchange rate against the dinar temporarily until out of the current crisis. "

    According to the MP, that "the secretariat of Baghdad have a lot of squares and properties that allow them the possibility of financing itself, if moved away from the cronyism and corruption", calling on the government to "promote imports and obtaining debt of mobile phone networks."

    The parliamentary sources recently confirmed that mobile phone companies owes the government more than a billion and $ 400 million.

    The world oil prices fell more than 60 percent since last summer 2014, which affected the imports of countries that rely on it as a resource for the basis of its economy, including Iraq.

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