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    Hakim: solving the housing crisis law will give the land to citizens for free

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

     Hakim: solving the housing crisis law will give the land to citizens for free Empty Hakim: solving the housing crisis law will give the land to citizens for free

    Post by Rocky Thu 04 Feb 2016, 8:20 am

    Hakim: solving the housing crisis law will give the land to citizens for free

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    Announced the National Alliance MP Abdul-Hadi al-Hakim, said Thursday that a proposed solution to the housing crisis, the law would grant land to citizens free of charge, pointing out that the proposed law includes the provision of banking facilities to the citizens.

    Hakim said at a news conference held by the House of Representatives, "" The House of Representatives voted to form a committee to draft the proposed law to solve the housing crisis. "

    He said al-Hakim, that "the law will address the issue of allocation of land in the regions and provinces for integrated housing projects, financial and funding for distribution to citizens, as well as the granting of land to citizens without a price."

    He continued, "The law also includes carrying out banking facilities to citizens to repay the bank loan for at least 20 years, and the state will undertake the payment of the benefits of the loan on behalf of the citizens," noting that "the Committee will prepare a proposal for the law, and put the relevant committees some detailed lines."

    Referred to the House of Representatives voted, earlier on Thursday (February 4, 2016), to form a committee to prepare a proposed law to address the housing crisis in the country.

    It is noteworthy that Iraq suffers from a severe housing crisis due to the growing number of Iraq's population, compared with the number of residential complexes, in addition to the inability of citizens with limited income from the construction of its own housing units because of the high cost of land and construction materials
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