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    China & Russia Set To Dominate As Western Control Of The Gold Market Collapses


    Posts : 28411
    Join date : 2013-01-12

    China & Russia Set To Dominate As Western Control Of The Gold Market Collapses Empty China & Russia Set To Dominate As Western Control Of The Gold Market Collapses

    Post by Lobo Sat 23 Apr 2016, 8:37 pm

    Andrew Maguire – China & Russia Set To Dominate As Western Control Of The Gold Market Collapses
    April 23, 2016
    China & Russia Set To Dominate As Western Control Of The Gold Market Collapses King-World-News-Andrew-Maguire-China-Russia-Set-To-Dominate-As-Western-Control-Of-The-Gold-Market-Collapses-864x400_c
    Today whistleblower and London metals trader Andrew Maguire told King World News that China and Russia are set to dominate as Western control of the gold market collapses.
    But first, it is important to read this from Andrew Maguire’s March 4, 2016 KWN interview:
    “Institutional money is flowing into allocated physical gold globally, and this is changing the dynamics. The usual synthetic market wash-and-rinse cycle is breaking down as its drivers
    are anchored upon a fractional reserve unallocated bullion market structure,
    which is the equivalent of a Ponzi scheme.”
    And Today…
    Andrew Maguire:  “It’s been almost two months since we last spoke, and what we drew attention to was empirical evidence that the Western Central planners have finally lost control of the gold market. Two months later we are evidencing footprints that validate this…

    To hear which company Eric Sprott, James Turk and George Soros invested in that is advancing the digital payments revolution and makes it possible for you to
    spend gold with a prepaid-card globally click on the logo:
    China & Russia Set To Dominate As Western Control Of The Gold Market Collapses BitGold-KWN-sponsor-logo-big-borderSponsored

    Andrew Maguire continues:  “One only has to focus on the unprecedented liquidity drain out of paper-centric London with this liquidity flowing into physical markets in Asia and the Middle East. Liquidity is the life blood of the gold market and the LBMA is bleeding this liquidity from an open wound. Liquidity begets liquidity and it is flowing out of the paper markets into the physical exchanges. Investors and institutions have woken up to the fact that paper gold is a shell game and are streaming into allocated physical gold.
    China & Russia Set To Dominate As Western Control Of The Gold Market Collapses King-World-News-Andrew-Maguire-China-Russia-Set-To-Dominate-As-Western-Control-Of-The-Gold-Market-Collapses
    China & Russia To Dominate As West Loses Control Of Gold Market
    So here in April 2016, with the physical markets now stealthily secured, increasingly liquid physical markets vs. paper markets and the new SGE (Shanghai Gold Exchange) fix in place, shortly to be complimented by a joint Russian/PBOC (People’s Bank of China) gold platform, the pieces of the jigsaw are coming together.

    As noted late last year, China has been consolidating its position here in London, now being reclassified as a 13th LBMA market maker. This concession would not have happened if liquidity had not evaporated from Loco London and migrated to the physical Asian exchanges. 
    So Eric, fast forward nearly 2 months from when we spoke last and the paper market liquidity drain is now exponentially accelerating.

      Current date/time is Mon 20 Jan 2025, 10:25 am