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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Iraqi violations in educational institutions and the Commission of Human Rights, demanding an end to

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Iraqi violations in educational institutions and the Commission of Human Rights, demanding an end to Empty Iraqi violations in educational institutions and the Commission of Human Rights, demanding an end to

    Post by Rocky Fri 06 May 2016, 2:52 am

    [ltr]Iraqi violations in educational institutions and the Commission of Human Rights, demanding an end to it[/ltr]

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    BAGHDAD - Iraq Press - May 6 / May: revealed Human Rights Commission for human rights abuses in the Iraqi educational institutions, as indicated thatthey have documented such violations against students, ranging from physical or verbal or separation on the basis of gender violence, thegovernment and the concerned ministries demanded an end her and reconsider the educational process path of human rights gate.

    He said the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights member Fadel Ghraoui in a statement that "education in Iraq is still a challenge for thecontents of human rights, which are guaranteed this right under international conventions and treatiesand the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Iraqi constitution."

    Gharrawi said that "education is still experiencing a lot of problems, especially the lack of school buildings, overcrowded schools and the spread of the phenomenon of mud schools, and not to develop curricula and modern means of system."

    Ghraoui stressed that " the Commission has documented numerous human rights violations relating to the right to education, especially violence against students , whether physical or verbal or separation on the basis of sex."

    He pointed out that " The Commission has received many reports and complaints regarding these violations," pointing out thatit "has issued several reports which confirm the failure of the government to provide suitable for students of the environment inthe exercise of their right to education and sponsorship especially from the door of human rights."

    He Ghraoui, that "this diagnosis crystallize the small age groups of students, which requires the government and its ministries concerned to reconsider the educational process path through the gate of human rights." Q ended

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