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    Parliament refuses to change the security regiment protect parliament

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Parliament refuses to change the security regiment protect parliament Empty Parliament refuses to change the security regiment protect parliament

    Post by Rocky Fri 06 May 2016, 3:30 am

    [size=30]Parliament refuses to change the security regiment protect parliament[/size]
    05/05/2016 07:40 | Number of Views: 1324
    font size: [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.] [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Direction Press / follow-up 
    Take it for security and defense committee member of the parliamentary Hakhuan Abdullah, on Thursday, Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi bear entering the demonstrators to the parliament building, while expressed his committee's refusal to change the regiment to protect parliament by al-Abadi.
    Abdullah said in an interview, "The Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi responsible for what happened to penetrate and enter the demonstrators to the parliament building, and we have the video recording Special Forces commander shows which allowed the demonstrators to enter the parliament building and this is considered a breach of security has threatened the lives of Representatives."
    Abdullah added that "al-Abadi ordered to change the protection of Parliament Regiment who succeeded in protecting the lives of the protesters of Representatives and the House of Representatives who are an hour to storm the parliament building by the demonstrators," he said, adding that "This measure comes after exposure Abadi to throw Baknana water when he entered the Council Chamber House of Representatives. "
    He said Abdullah, "while protecting the parliament building Regiment refused to arrest the House of Representatives because they enjoy parliamentary immunity, Abadi is issued to change the protection Regiment Regiment second orders under the authority of prime minister."
    Abdullah expressed his committee's rejection of the "Change protect Parliament regiment which parliamentarians fever," pointing out that "any change must have the approval of Parliament Speaker Salim al-Jubouri, and the heads of parliamentary blocs and with the agreement of all parties."
    The cell media war, announced on Wednesday (May 4, 2016), for the Prime Minister General Commander of the Armed Forces, Haider al-Abadi issued an order exempting Diwani commander of Special Forces squad, Mohammad Reza responsible for the protection of the Green Zone in central Baghdad.

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