BAGHDAD / News Network Iraq, Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi appointed deputy director of the National Operations Center five positions in the ordered Diwani one. According to the document , signed director Abadi Office, Mahdi Keywords to set (Abdul Amir Mohammed Ali Hussein) assistant general director of the National Operations Center functions his client (Hussein Mohamed Abdel Wahab), as director of the National Center, in addition to the appointed deputy chairman of the Supreme Committee for the relief and sheltering the displaced families. The document states also appointing him as head of the joint Center for coordination and monitoring, and secretary of the cell administration civil crisis, the head of the Commission on the operating room and emergency. did not know the skills and competencies that are available to this employee Superman. as said a source familiar with that " the appointment of one person in several positions, is a dangerous precedent did the Prime Minister was not preceded by the one of the heads of theprevious governments , " nor in any country in the world. "the preoccupation Abadi file reform and mechanisms threw him in a grave errors, Vdaute to austerity and the reduction of sagging, made ​​him think that the solution lies in delegating many tasks to a single person. "