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    Outrage After Michelle Obama Does THIS in Spain


    Posts : 28411
    Join date : 2013-01-12

    Outrage After Michelle Obama Does THIS in Spain Empty Outrage After Michelle Obama Does THIS in Spain

    Post by Lobo Thu 30 Jun 2016, 1:09 pm

    Outrage After Michelle Obama Does THIS in Spain

    Outrage After Michelle Obama Does THIS in Spain Sela-144x144
    30 Jun, 2016 by Homeschool Mom

    Every time this woman opens her mouth, she gives horrible advice, but blankets it with fake sincerity, fake compassion, and it’s actually just doing more harm than good. Unless she actually believes what she’s saying…in that case, we are in way more trouble than we thought.

    What Michelle said to these young girls, is a large part of what has made our America, Obama’s America. You’re not going to like this…
    Via The Washington Times:
    First lady Michelle Obama slipped in a pro-choice message Thursday while promoting equality for girls in heavily Catholic Spain, giving advice on how to raise children “if you choose to have them.”
    Speaking to hundreds of young girls and women in Madrid, Mrs. Obama urged her audience to change “inequalities in our cultures” that hold back women in their daily lives.

    “You can start with how you raise your own children if you choose to have them,” Mrs. Obama said. “Maybe it means telling your sons that it’s OK to cry, and your daughters that it’s OK to be bossy.”

    The first lady is wrapping up a tour of Liberia, Morocco and Spain to promote her “Let Girls Learn” initiative, which has a goal of providing access to education for 62 million girls worldwide. She was joined at the event in Madrid by Queen Letizia.
    Referring to historical progress for women in the U.S., Mrs. Obama referred to Hillary Clinton, saying, “I’m proud to say that this year, for the first time in history, we might just elect a president — a female president of the United States.”
    Michelle says, tell your sons it’s ok to cry, and your daughter’s it’s ok to be bossy. What is she smoking!?
    Dear Michelle O
    We teach our Sons to have courage and integrity, and our daughters to be virtuous and kind. We teach them BOTH to rise up and be strong through adversity. Please roll up your stank advice and smoke THAT!
    Homeschool Mom

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