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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Babylon: the industrial sector is suffering a deterioration in the absence of government support

    Admin Assist
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    Babylon: the industrial sector is suffering a deterioration in the absence of government support Empty Babylon: the industrial sector is suffering a deterioration in the absence of government support

    Post by Rocky Wed 31 Aug 2016, 3:19 am

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    Babylon: the industrial sector is suffering a deterioration in the absence of government support

     Babylon / long-Presse 

    The Commission on the industry in the House of Babylon, on Tuesday, the deterioration ofwork in hundreds of factories in the province in the absence of government support for laboratories and factories, as pointed to the existence of fundamental problems hinder the work , including the inability to keep up with the imported products and high Iraqi manpower wages, stressed the need interest in the industrial sector. 
    the chairman of the Industry Committee in the House of Babylon Raad Hamza al - Jubouri said in an interview to the (long - Presse), said that "through our follow - up to the reality of the industrial sector in the province ofBabylon , which is the industrial province of the presence of hundreds of labs where within the private and public sectors, we found that industrial reality in Babylon suffers clear deterioration in the absence ofgovernment support for laboratories and factories that stops most of them for production. " 
    he added Jubouri said" We found fundamental problems hindering development , including the inability ofindustrial products manufactured in Babylon keep up with imported products , which invaded the markets and the high costs of the domestic product because of higher wages for hands Iraqi working and high electric power fitted prices, particularly after 2015, which has doubled several times and rising diesel fuel prices ,because most of the labs are run by generators because of the electricity crisis. " 
    Jubouri said that" there is a lack of sources of financing and the private industrial sector, especially the banks ,but if there may be loans given high benefits of up to 10% and this has greatly impacted the industry ,"pointing out that" most of the factories stopped working and production because it still relies on thetechniques of old machines in production due to the absence of government support them and the inability of the owners to provide the necessary funds and the lack of loans for renovation this means that called for a halt most of them. " 
    He stressed al - Jubouri , the need to support the industrial sector , " noting that " the interest in the industrial sector and run it will help in the operation of thousands of workers in various disciplines." 
    the private and public sectors of industrialists in Babil province , possess more than 1,400 laboratory and factory two sectors that are important savings in 2003 and the task of high - quality industrial products before the day often suffers from a majority of the plants stopped due to lack of support from the federal government and the invasion of markets for different products.
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