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    Sadr calls for "peaceful epic" next Tuesday in front of the court time to protest against corruption

    Admin Assist
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    Sadr calls for "peaceful epic" next Tuesday in front of the court time to protest against corruption Empty Sadr calls for "peaceful epic" next Tuesday in front of the court time to protest against corruption

    Post by Rocky Wed 12 Oct 2016, 3:04 am

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    The cleric Moqtada al-Sadr
    Sadr calls for "peaceful epic" next Tuesday in front of the court time to protest against corruption

    Author: AHF 
    Editor: AHF 
    11/10/2016 18:24 
    Number of Views: 1512

    Long-Presse / Baghdad
    Called the cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, on Tuesday, to "peaceful epic" through demonstrations in front of court time, which includes the headquarters of the Supreme Judicial Council, and while pointing to the respected institutions, particularly the judicial ones that are not, however dictatorial authority, he stressed the need that people say his speech the challenges of "corruption and the corrupt."
    Sadr said in a statement received (range Press), a copy of "believe in respect for institutions, particularly the judicial ones .. We are people that want the same prestige and independence of the institutions, however, do not be dictatorial authority to be."
    He said al-Sadr "We are people who believe in freedom of the people and that the people do not want corruption, believe in the power of the people do not impose our opinions and our positions on one .. so Vomlna our people struggling patient says as saying in front of the challenges of corruption and corrupt so as not sits by a tyrant and another gown else."
     Addressing the chest of the Iraqi people by saying, "O people of Iraq through the authentic voice rises over the years and none of the authority above you," noting that steal people's money and rob their rights and occupies its territory and manipulated Bmekdrath terror and control. "
    And he finished the chest, "O heroic Iraqi people .. my hope your having a great God that will not tolerate injustice, we and you are his father and his father the injustice of corruption." Sadr called on the Iraqi people to "peaceful epic be your voice which is heard and then next Tuesday and appeared in court time in the outside of the Green Zone to reject the return of the corrupt and pin Collect .. both vice presidents or others which uprooted reform and trying to cross terrorism pin them."
    He said al-Sadr in his statement that "there is a line, a claim Reform uproot opponents and restores his loyalists young to repair not distasteful starts himself and his followers by others."
    He returned Sadr to address the Iraqis by saying, "You are required to achieve victory for the marquee reform in front of the camp of corruption and in particular we are in the month of reform to uproot corrupt of all aspects of the government to live free and dignified lives and to uproot corruption from counterfeiters in the elections because of the Commission is not neutrality where, but the bulk of what the Soldiers soldier for a party or a class certain, "and he called that" demonstrations are not a specific category or a particular stream Valmasir your fate is not the fate of the party without the other. "

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