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    Najaf calls Masorja donation to the health sector and assume responsibility Baghdad

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    Najaf calls Masorja donation to the health sector and assume responsibility Baghdad Empty Najaf calls Masorja donation to the health sector and assume responsibility Baghdad

    Post by Rocky Tue 18 Oct 2016, 3:48 am

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    Najaf calls Masorja donation to the health sector and assume responsibility Baghdad

     Najaf / long-Presse 

    Warned specialists Najafion, last Sunday, the repercussions of the continuation of the "lack of support" the health of reality to maintain, (160 km south of Baghdad), while the local government called on the affluent to support the health sector, laden with the prime minister of Finance and the ministries ofhealth and responsibility "deterioration" of the health situation in the governorate. 

    the Director - General of the chest Hospital of education, Dr. Abdel - Al - Ghazali, in an interview to the (long -Presse), said that the health authorities in Najaf rely on self - financing , which not only fills 20% of its needs has led to a decline in services to citizens , "adding that" life - saving treatments life - examined began running out without moving the Ministry of Health a finger. " 
    Ghazali said that" most of the medicines available in local markets is checked what constitutes a threat to thelives of citizens ", appealing to the Ministry of Health of the need" to provide support to hospitals and health centers in Najaf , especially as the chest Hospital is not for the people of the province only, but for the people of the neighboring provinces. " 
    for his part, suffers Specialist heart Center, the scarcity necessary for the operations of the catheter and theswitch of the arteries and veins of medical supplies, according to its director (Dr. Khalid Al - Anbar). 
    he dormitory in an interview to the (long - Presse)," the debt Center greatly increased as a result of buying medicines and medical supplies from the local markets for more than a year, and the lack of funding by theministry, "surprising the" lack of funding for the center , despite the achievements of medical Least possibilities achievements. " 
    said the center 's director that" 60% of reviewers can provide some treatments from the outside but poor chip can not afford it , "calling on the Health Ministry to" speed up the support of the health of Najaf and thecenter. " 
    Meanwhile, the local government has urged in Najaf , the haves from the people of the province, to support the health sector because of its importance to the citizens. 
    the governor of Najaf Loay Yasiri, in an interview to the (long - Presse), " the health sector provides services to a wide segment of the poor and the needy requires the affluent support material that is regulated by afundamentalist , " attributing it to "the Ministry of Health was unable to support the health sector in Najaf, and the non - receipt of government local allocations required since 2014 ". 
    turn, officials carry Najafion prime minister of Finance and the ministries of health and responsibility" deteriorating "health situation to maintain, according to the second deputy governor of Najaf (Talal Bilal.) 
    , said Bilal, in an interview to the (long - Presse)," the presidency of the Council Ministers and the Ministries ofHealth and Finance are responsible for the deterioration of the health situation in Najaf , they did not lift afinger to support it, "adding , despite that" the health situation in Najaf did not descend below 60 percent thanks to local government control and follow - up. " the 
    health sector is in the province of Najaf distinct sectors in the region Middle Euphrates to its inclusion of specialized centers and hospitals in various medical and therapeutic services to citizens and progress. It is 
    noteworthy that the majority of Iraqi provinces complain about the lack of support for the health sector, and the lack of medical supplies, anesthetics, forcing hospitals to stop surgeries or limited to cases of 
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