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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Adviser to the Prime Minister: the deduction of 4.8% of employees' salaries will be for one year

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

     Adviser to the Prime Minister: the deduction of 4.8% of employees' salaries will be for one year Empty Adviser to the Prime Minister: the deduction of 4.8% of employees' salaries will be for one year

    Post by Rocky Tue 29 Nov 2016, 4:17 am

    Adviser to the Prime Minister: the deduction of 4.8% of employees' salaries will be for one year

    Tuesday November 29 2016 11:51

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    revealed Prime Minister for Economic Affairs Advisor to the appearance of Mohammed Saleh, Tuesday, that the deduction of 4.8% of employees ' salaries will be for one year only, as these deductions attributed to the exceptional circumstances experienced by the country. 

    Saleh said in "Sumerian morning", which broadcasts Al Sumaria, a program that " thededuction for salaries of employees and retirees under the current year 's budget and of 4.8% will be for one year and is not permanent , " noting that "exceptional circumstances faced by the country like the war against terrorism and issues of thedisplaced and the question crowd management requirements behind these deductions. "

    Saleh added that " the proposed deduction for salaries of staff came mainly from the House of Representatives during the current year 2016 amounting to 3% , " noting that " the Council of Ministers felt increase this percentage to 4.8% in next year 's budget deficit in 2017 to fill the gap." 

    He revealed the draft federal budget for fiscal 2017 Act set out by the Council ofMinisters and read by the House of Representatives, such as reading the first increase the percentage of deduction from employees ' salaries for the expenses of the popular crowd and displaced persons to 4.8% from 3% during the current year 2016 budget.

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