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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    In short

    Admin Assist
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    In short Empty In short

    Post by Rocky Sun Jan 08, 2017 3:54 am

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    In short

    Samawa arrest overstayed vendors on the sidewalks 

    announced Municipality Directorate of Samawah in Muthanna province, on Saturday, arresting a number of owners of shops in the center of the city of Samawah, due to exceeding the sidewalks, while confirming the imposition of fines in exchange for their release. 
    The mayor of Samawah Director of Information Ali Razak said in an interview to the (range) , "it was the day implementation of extensive campaigns represented the lifting of abuses from the sidewalks of the city of Samawah Center have been arrested a number of shop owners due to exceeding their goods on the sidewalks," he said . "These campaigns will be continuing the fact that the street and the sidewalk is the king of all citizens. " 
    He said Razak , "it was an alert shop owners more than once , but there were not a response to the subject so Samawah Municipality fined an estimated 500,000 Iraqi dinars against the release," adding that " the municipality will take pledges from shop owners not to encroach upon the sidewalks the future. " 

    Diyala establish hospitals manner steel structures 

    announced the health of Diyala province , a circle, an agreement with the Turkish side to build hospitals in a way that the rapid rail structures, as pointed out that hospitals are a capacity of 75 beds , with a number of medical departments. 
    A spokesman for the Diyala Health Faris al - Azzawi, in an interview with the (range), "It has been agreed with the Turkish side on the establishment of hospitals in a manner rapid steel structures in construction, according to the international standards on an area of 3,000 to 3,500 m 2 with a capacity of 75 beds and contains several sections , including the radiology department , operating rooms and intensive care lobbies esoteric and female organs, eyes, skin, nerves, Dental and patient rooms in addition to a healthy and administrative and other accessories. " 
    Al - Azzawi said he "will take place in the coming days , these direct health projects in hand Bani Saad , and the second in terms of Mandali and villages in the province of Diyala to the urgent need to, in addition to the speed of execution of the construction and equipping of medical devices." 
    Azzawi stressed that "these health projects of great importance to serve our citizens in light of the significant developments witnessed by the world in establishing modern health institutions and processing sophisticated devices to serve all segments of society and ease the burden for them to go to far from the shops their areas of residence which cost them the fatigue of travel and financial burdens great. " 

    Dhi Qar arrested a drug dealer in possession of more than a thousand Captagon tablets 

    announced the province of Dhi Qar police headquarters, on Saturday, arresting dealer Mkhaddart, west of the city of Nasiriyah, while confirming tuning more than a thousand pills in his possession. 
    She said the police command said in a statement, received a (long) a copy of it, that "Cell Intelligence Regiment gear Police Dhi Qar able to arrest the accused (n. P. J) , aged 29, during a security operation carried out in terms of Batha, ( west of the city of Nasiriyah) on charges of drug trafficking. " 
    Police headquarters said that "seized power in 1100 in possession of narcotic tablets of Captagon type known locally Epti , " adding that " the accused was referred to the anti - narcotics department for the completion of the legal proceedings against him for presentation to the competent courts." 
    The phenomenon of trafficking in narcotic grain has been active in recent years in Iraq because of the loss of control over sources of manufacture and supply of drugs, and spread among young people, which is traded prohibited in the country and account for it under the law.
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