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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    On the trail of Bigfoot in North Dakota?


    Posts : 28411
    Join date : 2013-01-12

    On the trail of Bigfoot in North Dakota? Empty On the trail of Bigfoot in North Dakota?

    Post by Lobo Wed 11 Jan 2017, 4:37 pm

    On the trail of Bigfoot in North Dakota?
    Tuesday, January 10, 2017 12:09 p.m. CST by Don Haney

    On the trail of Bigfoot in North Dakota? E80f18b2350f286f4df75a9b1651a447
    Purported Sasquatch footprint near Ellendale, North Dakota, Dec. 25, 2016 Photo: Chris Bauer
    On the trail of Bigfoot in North Dakota? E80f18b2350f286f4df75a9b1651a447
    On the trail of Bigfoot in North Dakota? 4efedcd3eedc623d302d6175f7825cb5
    DICKEY COUNTY, N.D. (KFGO) -- Chris Bauer of Ellendale, North Dakota has been a trapper all his life. He knows the outdoors and is now a true believer in Bigfoot. He tracked a creature he's certain is the legendary Sasquatch. 
    He says December 24, a woman attending a family Christmas gathering at a rural home north of Ellendale claims to have spotted a large hairy creature outside. Bauer knows the family and the following day he checked out the reported sighting. He found big footprints leading from the farm and followed a track in the snow for seven miles. The footprints are 18 inches long, 8 inches wide, with a four foot stride. 
    Bauer says while following the track, he ran into a stench so severe he was almost sickened. He also says there was an "eerie" silence throughout the area: no animals, no birds, something the experienced outdoorsman says is very strange. 
    Dickey County Sheriff Chris Estes didn't investigate but he did see photo's of the footprints taken by Bauer. He was surprised by what he saw. He says it's either "an elaborate hoax someone put a lot work into..or there may validity to it."
    Bauer has forwarded his photo's to an internationally known Bigfoot expert at Idaho State University for further study. He should be able to determine if the footprints are a hoax or may be some type of unknown primate

      Current date/time is Mon 09 Sep 2024, 4:05 pm