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    Acting Lebanese Embassy: Gulf let us down .. Iraqis stood beside us, and we want to enter our countr

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    Acting Lebanese Embassy: Gulf let us down .. Iraqis stood beside us, and we want to enter our countr Empty Acting Lebanese Embassy: Gulf let us down .. Iraqis stood beside us, and we want to enter our countr

    Post by Rocky Thu 16 Feb 2017, 2:56 am

    Acting Lebanese Embassy: Gulf let us down .. Iraqis stood beside us, and we want to enter our country without visa
      Thursday February 16, 2017 time 11:32 (309 views)
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]Acting Lebanese Embassy: Gulf let us down .. Iraqis stood beside us, and we want to enter our country without visa


    BAGHDAD / Sky Press

    Confirmed Acting Lebanese Embassy in Baghdad, Walid Ghoseini, seeking his government to raise the degree of diplomatic representation in Iraq, including the opening of consulates in Basra and Najaf, as demanded that the entry of tourists between Iraq and Lebanon without visa, pointed out that only the Iraqis who stood next to his country in the economic crisis, at a time when the Gulf States banned its nationals from entering Lebanon.

    He Ghoseini in an interview with "Sky Press," will be published at a later date, he said that "among the priorities of the Lebanese government is the appointment of an ambassador to Iraq, as well as raising the degree of representation Aldboulmasa, which also includes open consulates in more than one city in Iraq, including in Najaf and Basra, "noting that" the Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari visited Beirut following the election of President of the Republic, General Michel Aoun, and asked him to appoint ambassador to Iraq, and the staircase acts as part of the Lebanese parliament agenda. "

    He's acting embassy that "within one month, we have two suggestions foreign minister and prime minister, on the opening of new consulates in three Iraqi provinces, and we are awaiting approval to open a consulate in Arbil and in Najaf," pointing out that "the consulate in Basra Acetklmt all procedures and will open soon." .

    He Ghoseini that "there is absolutely necessary to open a consulate Lebanese in Najaf because of the large number of visitors to the Lebanese to this city, especially since the number reached in 2016 to more than 150,000 visitors," pointing out that "there is a problem for some of those responsible for religious campaigns if adhered tariff established by the State, while others considered that this work has a financial payoff. the existence of such problems requires the presence of a consulate to organize those things. "

    He added, "The conditions that obtained by the Lebanese tourists to visit the holy sites are very difficult and complex, and require provision of guarantees and official papers and several other procedures, but there are some companies facilitates the travel process," stressing that "in 2005 the number of Iraqi visitors who enter to Lebanon 21 thousand tourists a year, and increased in 2015 to 280,000 tourists, and offset by roughly the same number of Iraqis who are visiting Lebanon for a year. "

    On promoting Aldboulmasah relations between the two countries, said Ghoseini that "when dealing with the Iraqi state faced a problem, represented that there is no ambassador, as well as political problems in Lebanon, but this problem is general to the fact that Lebanon has no ambassador in a large number of countries, if we have 35 ambassadors only 70 out of the embassy and the rest are those in charge d'affaires, "noting that his country" and then overcome the political crisis, it plans to appoint ambassadors rather than the charge d'affaires, including Iraq. "

     And on facilitating the entry of tourists between the two countries, based pointed acting embassy that "in Lebanon's economic and political crisis, we did not find anyone stop beside us only Iraqis, while blocked Gulf nationals from entering Lebanon .. and this requires that there be reciprocity, and we want the Iraqis to Lebanon enters without a visa. "

      Current date/time is Thu 03 Oct 2024, 3:27 pm