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    Uneven investment in social benefits for companies operating in Wasit oil fields

    Admin Assist
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    Uneven investment in social benefits for companies operating in Wasit oil fields Empty Uneven investment in social benefits for companies operating in Wasit oil fields

    Post by Rocky Mon 03 Apr 2017, 1:27 am

    Uneven investment in social benefits for companies operating in Wasit oil fields

     Wasit / Jabbar Bjay

    With the financial crisis faced by the state years ago, local residents count in the cities and districts in Wasit province , where projects and oil fields are located, operated by foreign companies, under the licensing rounds contracts, the implementation of many service projects annually, the amount of social benefits provided by companies investing in oil fields, up to five million dollars a year, a sum that can contribute to the provision of important services to the population and create a lot of job opportunities that will raise the economic level of the citizens.
    In Wasit province, which includes the fields of humpback and Badra, varies the situation between these two fields, Where enjoyed Badra spend which includes the Badra field, the wealth of these benefits after the implementation of several important and vital in which projects, the Liberal side , which includes humpback field, do not enjoy , including 10 per cent of these benefits, and the reason , according to the Council is some quarters that were a reason not to get side since 2013 so far, only a million dollars for the implementation of some projects, and only one year interventions, out of five million dollars, the year of the same, and if we collected amounts of four years to invest in this field, the result of $ 20 million, as requested by the company Executing payable to create important projects for hand.
    Chairman of the Committee on Energy in the Liberal hand David Jabri, says in an interview (range), " The social benefits provided under the rounds of licensing contracts which are supposed to reach five million dollars a year, has not benefited the so far, because of the interventions of some of the parties that did not identify , the things, depriving its citizens of important projects, it was supposed to be implemented in the past years. "
    Jabri adds that the free hand did not get since 2013, so far, only a million dollars, which carried out this amount of some projects in the district , including a branch of the Rasheed Bank and a playground for the five - ball and additional rows for a number of school buildings in addition to the multi - purpose hall, adding: But the amount due, to get the it from the company invested in 2014 is five million dollars, to cover the costs of service projects, but did not get it for many reasons, in the forefront, continuing by some parties interventions in pursuit of them to cover other areas outside of the those projects, including a decision issued by the Provincial Council to allocate 20% of the amounts of social benefits to the city of Kut, the presence of some oil wells within its administrative limits and 10% to spend NUMANIYA, with the judiciary do not exist one well, it has received this ratio through wills and interventions on the local government in the district and its citizens.
    Refers Jabri, to the Council of the free hand, has prepared a plan for the projects in 2015 in terms, it was supposed to be covered by the amount of social benefits, but so far, these projects have not been implemented with being important , such as building schools and kindergartens and modernization of lighting systems for the village of Seville , tiling Group of rural roads and lighting the entrance and implementation of complex water in one of the villages, this delay the implementation of the 2015 projects, also led to delay disabling 2016 projects, which will have implications also, for the current year projects, at a time when the population of the free hand, they are in dire need of many of urban and service projects.
    Ahdab is one of the important fields of Iraq, which includes oil reserves great with associated gas, and has direct it, the beginning of 2009, and the Chinese operated under a contract of service of the Iraqi government made amendments to it, ensuring its best privileges, while the allocated part of the field production to feed Zubaydiah power plant , which is located in the hand Zubaydiah, (70 km) north of the city of Kut crude oil and dry gas.
    Mayor Badrah Jaafar Abdul - Jabbar Mohammed, has another view, where he asserts in an interview (range), that "Gazprom" invested field Badra oil, has pledged to establish a hospital in the elimination of 50 beds capacity in the amount of social benefits for the current year amounting to five million dollars, after the completion of the rehabilitation of the electricity network in the judiciary and respects its cost of five million dollars as well, within the allocated in 2016 amounts as well as a number of those projects implemented in previous years, which means that the amount of social benefits was a boon to eliminate, as a result of service projects implemented.
    He adds: " The coalition led by Russia 's Gazprom with Turkish, Malaysian and Korean companies, did not spare in the provision of quality services to the local population through coordination with the local government and provide hundreds of jobs for the people of the judiciary and the aspects associated with it, where he pledged to Gazprom, the establishment of the capacity of a hospital 50 beds in the judiciary during the current year, the urgent need for him, and wait for the arrival of the special designs of this hospital by the Engineering Department at the Ministry of Health, to be announced and put it in front of companies and contractors. "
    Continues Alqaimmqam said, the administration of justice, held a series of meetings with the Deputy Executive Director of the company , Mr. Vladimir Dberowski, to discuss the mechanisms of implementation of the proposed projects within the overall plan for 2017, has been agreed on the implementation of the capacity of the hospital 50 beds with furnishing devices required medical equipment, and one of local companies, has completed the rehabilitation and development of the electricity network in the judiciary and the aspects of him, within the amount of social benefits in the past 2016, amounting to five million dollars, which included works executed lifting columns, transformers, cables and old wires and replace them with new ones, as a result And presented by the inability to work well.
    It emphasizes that the company, already implemented many different projects in the judiciary, over the past three years, through the amount of social benefits, including those business rehabilitation of a number of schools and pools of water, and some health centers, in addition to the purchase of a number of buses to transport students to eliminate students in Wasit University, with the elimination of processing my car ambulance, as well as to provide other assistance to students, school Kalhakaib and other supplies, as well as the distribution of large quantities of food, basket food for families that were displaced to the judiciary, during the displacement of the events that took place in some provinces. "

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