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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

Welcome to the Neno's Place!

Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    In short

    Admin Assist
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    In short Empty In short

    Post by Rocky Mon 03 Apr 2017, 1:40 am

    In short

    Modern inspection devices in the ports

    revealed that the Ministry of Interior, on Sunday, set up a modern equipment to check the bags that operate X - ray system.
    The director of the border crossing points at the ministry , Major General Sami Sudanese in a statement that " have been installed scanners modern type voTI bags Model xR3D-10 working X - ray system."
    He said the Sudanese, "These devices feature book bags suspected and give several pictures of the bags tested, as well as working to determine the atomic number of the material in the bag tested, and help its ease of use."

    The start of the marketing season of wheat

    announced that the General Company for Grain Trade, on Sunday, the start of the marketing season of wheat in the country from 15 this April in central and southern governorates. The Director General of the General Company for Grain Trade Chairman of the Supreme Central Committee Marketing Haitham Jamil Khali presided over the meeting with the central branch and site managers start marketing season for wheat crop for this season. He added that " the cadres of the Ministry of Commerce has completed all preparations for the start of the marketing season in central and southern governorates and complete all administrative and technical requirements."

    Fellowship to study the Korean master

    said the ministry spokesman, Haider bonded in a statement that "the Ministry of Education in the Korean government and within the Global Environment Fellowship Program granted Iraq thirty fellowship to obtain a master 's degree in the environment." He added that " the conditions required for advanced only be an associate graduate studies inside Iraq , " noting that " the donor country Fellowship stipulated in the applicant must be an employee in one of the sectors or environment - related institutions or colleges study of the environment, and available has competence in English writing and speaking, he has never involved in one of the Korean government programs. "

    Stop three circles of nationality in Najaf

    declared public Mdergansah Major General Mehdi blessing Waeli, on Sunday, all three departments to stop civilian conditions in Najaf , starting next Tuesday. He said the general director of nationality , Major General Mehdi blessing Waeli said in a statement that he "will stop working conditions Mashkhab circles and Manathira and Qadisiyah in Najaf province as of next Tuesday approved the fourth of this April."
    He added that "will work in those circles on the 12th of April to the current version of the national card."
    The General Directorate of Nationality stopped work in several subordinate departments in preparation for the start of work by issuing national card for citizens.

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