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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    40 request to lift the immunity of deputies on charges of terrorism and corruption


    Posts : 5062
    Join date : 2012-12-20

    40 request to lift the immunity of deputies on charges of terrorism and corruption Empty 40 request to lift the immunity of deputies on charges of terrorism and corruption

    Post by chouchou Mon 05 Aug 2013, 3:00 am

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    Revealed the parliamentary legal committee for receiving the 40 Parliament request to lift immunity for deputies from several political blocs on charges of terrorism and administrative and financial corruption.

    Committee member Mustafa Amin nice MP for the coalition of Kurdish blocs said that requests to lift the immunity of the Supreme Judicial Council should be presented to the House of Representatives for a vote within the parliament and this is what has not been so far.

    The secretary said in a statement to the "Center Brief for the Iraqi Media Network," that display those applications is the validity and competence of the Presidency.

    He said there are two types of notes, the first Congress accusations of political blocs, financial and administrative corruption, and the second relates to some lawmakers involvement of terrorist crimes, stressing that the sum of those requests up to about 40 applications for members of the House of Representatives.

    Article Four of the Anti-Terrorism Act of 2005 that of the business, which is a terrorist action violence and the threat of fomenting sectarian strife, civil war or sectarian fighting and arming citizens or get them to arming each other of instigating or funding.

    Article (63) of the Constitution reads as follows: Second: A member of the House of Representatives enjoy immunity from what make its views during a session, are not subject to prosecution in the courts about it. B shall not be arrested on the member for the duration of the legislative term, unless he is accused of a felony, and with the approval of an absolute majority of members to lift his immunity, or if you adjust caught red-handed in a felony. C may not be captured on the member outside the duration of the legislative term, unless he is accused of a felony, and with the approval of the President of the House of Representatives to lift his immunity, or if you adjust caught red-handed in a felony. "

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