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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Rapporteur of the Parliament: the request to lift the immunity of 24 deputies from different issues

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

     Rapporteur of the Parliament: the request to lift the immunity of 24 deputies from different issues Empty Rapporteur of the Parliament: the request to lift the immunity of 24 deputies from different issues

    Post by Rocky Mon 29 May 2017, 3:30 am

    Rapporteur of the Parliament: the request to lift the immunity of 24 deputies from different issues and will be resolved after the legislative recess


    He said the House decision Imad Youkhana, on Monday that the request made by the Judicial Council on lifting the immunity of 24 deputies are from different issues and will be resolved after the legislative recess of the parliament.
    Youkhana In an interview for "direction Press" He explained that most of the issues that need to lift the immunity is built by the House of Representatives among themselves and by other parties on some of the House of Representatives, noting that after the legislative recess will be decided to vote on the lifting of immunity by members of the House of Representatives ends.
    He added: the most prominent cases in which accused these MPs are defamation and talk in the media and some of them by the institutions to enter the House of Representatives affairs executive and exceeding the officials as well as lawsuits instituted by the House of Representatives fights that get inside the House and outside it, pointing out that most misdemeanor cases and some of them do not need to lift the immunity and a few of them need to lift the criminal immunity.

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