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    Extortion e-chasing wealthy and women in Iraq

    Admin Assist
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    Extortion e-chasing wealthy and women in Iraq Empty Extortion e-chasing wealthy and women in Iraq

    Post by Rocky Tue May 16, 2017 3:22 am

    Extortion e-chasing wealthy and women in Iraq

     Baghdad / term

    The Supreme Judicial Council record, on Monday, a surge in cases of extortion mail in Iraq and for reasons of material and other emotional, and while noting that most of the victims girls are lured to get personal their photographs, called for tougher punishment of defamation crimes being taken wider by exploiting the social networking sites.
    He explained the media center for the judiciary in Iraq , in a statement , a report obtained "term" a copy of it, "receive the Iraqi courts have consistently numerous threats and extortion electronic claims, while the judicial proceedings indicate that most of the victims girls were getting personal their photographs Bastdrajhn or penetrate Hsabathn sites social networking, and it puts Iraqi legislator penalties for the perpetrators of these crimes with calls to tighten them through the legislative ports to be more deterrent. "
    The report attributed the investigating judge Mohammed Salman as saying that "cases of extortion in the electronic surge and began to take rates are not inconsiderable and motives , according to what has before the Iraqi judiciary for many reasons , including carrying material and other emotional."
    Salman added that " the perpetrator and is often versed of electronic aspects of the victim of coercion to pay sums of money or make concessions to meet moral not to publish information or images obtained by using its potential to penetrate the electronic sites and get account information."
    Salman pointed out that "everyone has become known as the possibility of penetration of social networking sites as well as smart phones and access to personal data such as images and video sections."
    He cited that "some lured the victim to get those data through emotional relationships and then begin the process of blackmail."
    He stressed that " the Iraqi Penal Law No. 111 of 1969 , the penalty for crimes of defamation", but called for "being tightened taken wider by exploiting social networking sites."
    It is noteworthy that " the perpetrators, according to the supply before the Iraqi judiciary are not only local from the inside, but there are others of other nationalities and from different countries."
    The investigating judge noted that "some cases of extortion affected public figures at various levels, by threatening to reveal personal secrets on electronic accounts or their communications devices in order to obtain financial benefits."
    Salman stressed that " the threat of a crime punishable by law, and to take action against the offender , regardless of what threatened to check his victim."
    The report conveys the opinion of the social researcher harmony Mustafa that " the phenomenon of extortion crimes through Internet sites began to take a serious turn," and warned of " the threat of such crimes and family fabric in the same family or society as a whole scale."
    Mustafa continued that "most of the crimes and through the supply goes on in front of us women primarily base and result in the separation between the spouses in front of the personal status courts."
    She added that "many of the girls and through our work shows that you have fear of filing a complaint with the courts for the crime of extortion for fear of society 's perception of it."
    She drew a researcher to " the increase in social networking sites and the absence of family behaviors of some young people control."
    Mustafa called on " the relevant authorities, especially those responsible for the cultural and educational awareness to explain the seriousness of these cases , and that everyone fortifies himself at various levels of all forms of electronic breaches."
    The Judicial Council revealed earlier arrest warrants against Iraqis accused of issuing memorandums of other nationalities extorting girls in exchange for money.
    For his part , the investigating magistrate Hussein Mubdar confirmed that the unitary "site Facebook one of the most popular means of communication in the country made him at the forefront of programs by which the threat of committing crimes
    and extortion."
    He cited many examples of unitary images of extortion through electronic communication.
    He adds that "images of these crimes impersonating a fake account or through (hack) another account and access to a list of his friends and asked for money balances and phones, a crime punishable under the law on charges of acquiring the money of others."
    Unitary said that " the crimes committed through the networking sites are either fraudulent or through the door of the threat or adaptation of defamation and slander", pointing out that "greed to earn money in the forefront of the motives for these crimes."
    Investigative Judge stated that "girls often are victims of these crimes, especially those who had their electronic communication with young people relationship," and pointed to "numerous cases where girls occurred in trouble after the end of their relationships with young men because their photographs personal are threatened to publish, most of the girls are forced to give up for many things for fear of scandal. "
    Unitary explained that " a little bit of these claims up to the courts despite the plentiful and common in the Iraqi street, because they are issues related to honor and reputation, especially when it comes to women, since most women are forced or Dhuohn to resolve the dispute out of court walls in total secrecy."
    The extortion goes on electronic crimes also known personalities affluent motivated by financial achievement, and it says that the unitary "fraudsters often use here mock the amendment or the so - called Balfotoshob for the purpose of installing the faces of the victims on the scandalous scenes program."
    And on court procedures and means of proof of such crimes, the investigating judge noted that " the Court looks at each incident , according to the legal and described the electronic crime committed a crime a scam or may be a crime threat or defamation, and all of the crimes it is punishable , according to the Iraqi Penal Law in force may be" , but he acknowledged " the difficulty of proving a neat crime because of the ease of work The Facebook account and the ability to make a fictitious account."

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