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    US adviser accuses Iran of warning sectarian war to weaken the Arab world

    Admin Assist
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    US adviser accuses Iran of warning sectarian war to weaken the Arab world Empty US adviser accuses Iran of warning sectarian war to weaken the Arab world

    Post by Rocky Fri 30 Jun 2017, 1:36 am

    US adviser accuses Iran of warning sectarian war to weaken the Arab world

    Arab and international Since 2017-06-29 at 19:44 (Baghdad time)

    Mawazine News - Follow up
    US national security adviser Herbert McMaster on Thursday accused Iran of sparking a sectarian war in the region to weaken the Arab world.
    "Iran has mobilized militias in Syria in defense of Bashar al-Assad's regime," McMaster said at a security conference in Washington. "The situation in Syria is getting more complicated because of the destructive role of Tehran."
    The US national security adviser stressed that "Tehran bears the greatest responsibility for the problems in Syria and that it has recruited 80% of the militias supporting the lion."
    "The Iranian regime is developing militias and illegal armed groups and moving them against the governments of their countries, as in the case of Hezbollah in Lebanon," he said.
    "The main reason for the US presence in Syria is to fight the Dahesh organization, which has been able to extend its control over land and population groups," he said. Ending 29/34

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