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    After North Korea launches a new missile, the South is putting its troops on high alert

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    After North Korea launches a new missile, the South is putting its troops on high alert Empty After North Korea launches a new missile, the South is putting its troops on high alert

    Post by Rocky Wed 30 Aug 2017, 2:30 am

    After North Korea launches a new missile, the South is putting its troops on high alert

    After North Korea launches a new missile, the South is putting its troops on high alert 20170829_113053-658

    Arabic and International   Tuesday, 29 August 2017 

    South Korea summoned its troops on Tuesday and placed them on high alert as North Korea fired a new missile at dawn, as contacts between Washington and Seoul accelerated to rectify the situation.

    "We have strengthened surveillance after the new provocations, and we have put our troops on full alert to fight," the South Korean army was quoted by Yonhap news agency as saying.

    The heads of the joint US and South Korean Joint Chiefs of Staff agreed in a telephone call to take tougher action against North Korea, including the military response.

    Seoul said the United States was considering deploying "strategic" defense means in South Korea.

    "We will respond strongly on the basis of our firm alliance with the United States if North Korea continues its nuclear provocations and launches missiles," the South Korean foreign ministry said.

    North Korea on Tuesday fired a ballistic missile from an area near Pyongyang that violated Japanese airspace and landed 1,880 kilometers east of Cape Arimo on the southeastern tip of Japan's Hokkaido island.

    The South Korean military said the missile was fired at 2,700 km and reached a maximum altitude of 550 km.

    Since North Korea launched a Taepodong-2 missile in April 2009, this is the first time Pyongyang has fired a missile over Japan since Kim Jong-un took power.

      Current date/time is Fri 28 Jun 2024, 12:52 am