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    Formation of a committee «follow-up and implementation» headed Alkhozai

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    Formation of a committee «follow-up and implementation» headed Alkhozai Empty Formation of a committee «follow-up and implementation» headed Alkhozai

    Post by lonelyintexas Sun 22 Sep 2013, 7:49 am

    Formation of a committee «follow-up and implementation» headed Alkhozai

    Baghdad, Alaa al-Tai

    Testify next week, the first steps to implement the initiative of the social ladder through the formation of a higher committee headed by Vice President Khodair al and the membership of representatives of the political blocs all.

    Scheduled to begin the development of the steps complementary initiative to launch the application, including meets the need of the citizen and supports efforts to achieve social peace. called the MP for the coalition of state law, Abbas al-Bayati told the "Centre Brief for the Iraqi Media Network,"

    To take steps complementary and urgent to drop the initiative into effect, application, and on her head start to form a committee to follow up the steps to activate the initiative holds the function Establish mechanisms for the implementation of the Charter of the national honor and start dialogues with leaders who did not participate in the conference to be attached to the project and then start legislation laws contained in the initiative to promote the process of national reconciliation.

    Vowed to political leaders Thursday to abide by and implement a document of honor and the initiative of the social ladder service to the country, as Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki during a press conference held in the presence of Vice President Khodair al and Parliament Speaker Osama Najafi and former parliament speaker Iyad al-Samarrai, head of the National Alliance, Ibrahim al-Jaafari and President of the Kurdistan Alliance Fuad Masum, and Deputy Prime Minister Ruz Nuri Shaways:

    "There will be debates and listen to the views of those who did not attend the signing Charter of Honour and social peace. "said al-Bayati said" the initiative included clauses promote national march and push for activating the work of the legislature and the executive to serve as a message to all Iraqi parties to being a partner essential in political work, "he said, adding that the committee" will adopt a regulation priorities should focus on and interest and emergency situations that relate to the security and lives of citizens, in addition to sort the priorities of legislative and procedural implementation of the demands of constitutional legitimacy, or what's left of it."

    He stressed that the step following the formation of a monitoring committee is directly the government to take measures and decisions to respond to popular demands, constitutional and follow-up files, security and services.

    He predicted Bayati that initiate Committee, which is chaired by Vice President Khodair al and comprising representatives of the blocs meetings next week to complete the designation of its members or work Balcecchelh previous themselves or their representatives to achieve balance and hold meetings periodically going to do political work and regulating mechanism to solve the problems and crises."

    For his part, called a spokesman for the Supreme Islamic Council Sheikh Humaid Maaleh need to speed up in meetings for the formation of the Supreme Committee, which he called the "Committee for follow-up and implementation", headed by Vice President of the Republic to find the momentum and the mechanism for the implementation of the Charter of Honour and approve laws and procedures carried out by the authorities of the three executive, legislative and judicial each of its.

    Said Maaleh that "there are issues that need time to be treated, so it is asked is not all problems except for what can be dissolved and legislation that can be enacted laws", calling for the need to have a follow-up to the institutions of civil society, the media and induction to speed up the implementation of the provisions initiative and the formation of committees."

    And stressed the need to find a schedule of priorities and internal issues that need to be quick solutions and put ceilings of time, and to be part of the steps and dialogues activate the initiative, noting that "it is scheduled to hold a National Alliance meeting before the start of the meetings of the House of Representatives to discuss the mechanisms of the formation of the Supreme Committee supervising and monitoring the implementation of the Convention next week and choose the members and representatives and the number of officials and representatives of blocs and political entities."

    In turn, confirmed the MP for the National Alliance Rehab slave that "the signing of the initiative put forward by the Vice President of the Republic is to prove to the goodwill of politicians towards their constituents." said bonded in a statement "Center Brief for the Iraqi Media Network":

    "The country is going through dangerous and many crises require all political forces away from their differences and unity to cross this stage," adding that "to sign a document of honour is a brick foundation that can address all points of contention and a pledge to work mass adoption of important laws outstanding issues and implement the demands of the people.”

    And called to speed up the activation of the terms of the initiative to resolve the crisis and restore confidence between the political blocs and between citizens and leaders, which aims to renounce sectarianism and maintain unity, and to act in accordance with the Constitution.

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