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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Hamas: Oslo project a political crime and disregard for the blood of the martyrs

    Admin Assist
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    Hamas: Oslo project a political crime and disregard for the blood of the martyrs Empty Hamas: Oslo project a political crime and disregard for the blood of the martyrs

    Post by Rocky Wed 13 Sep 2017, 3:59 am

    Hamas: Oslo project a political crime and disregard for the blood of the martyrs

    10:41 - 13/09/2017

    Hamas: Oslo project a political crime and disregard for the blood of the martyrs %D8%AD%D9%85%D8%A7%D8%B3-696x435
    Information / Baghdad ..
    The Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) said on Wednesday that the Oslo project was a big fall in the quagmire of compromises and the beginning of the curve by compromising our national rights. It was a political and struggle crime against our occupied homeland and contempt for the blood of the martyrs who rose up in defense of our holy land.
    The movement said in a press statement on the 24th anniversary of the Oslo agreement that "Palestine is a sacred land that can not be bargained for and will not only live in the city and its martyrs, and that the blood shed on its land will not hide its effects stormy settlement and negligence," stressing that "settlement projects with this The enemy has not been dragged on our people only the scourge and did not transfer the Palestinian cause only from loss to loss. "
    "The Oslo agreement strangled the Palestinian people and hit it financially and commercially, and culminated in an unjust political siege. It allowed the occupying state to control our economy and natural resources and to openly intervene in the details of our daily and living life through the annex to the Paris Economic Agreement."
    The movement promised "humiliation and shame" Oslo, which over 78% of the land of Palestine in the pen and still continues to bargain on what remains of them is clear evidence that the owners of the settlement project are not eligible to carry the Secretariat and the preservation of the blood of martyrs and wounded and the suffering of prisoners, To be entrusted with the issues of our people as well as self-determination. "
    She pointed out that "the poor Oslo project confirms what the resistance went to when it said that the right that was taken by force can not be recovered except by force, and that the resistance today is the power of the right that defends the capabilities of our people and their crucifixion rights." He called on "the makers of this project to review this The failed track, and join again to the option of resistance and allow the space for the weapon to say his word and chart the course of return and liberalization.
    The movement stressed that "the blood of the martyrs who fall on the ground will erase the effects of this failed adventure, and that the cries of prisoners and the pain of the wounded will dampen the sound of the coded voice of security coordination and the cries of weakness and defeat and negligence," asserting that "the Palestinian right is a full and indivisible right and division. Ending / 25

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