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    International companies are moving towards expanding the production of electric cars

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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     International companies are moving towards expanding the production of electric cars Empty International companies are moving towards expanding the production of electric cars

    Post by Rocky Fri 06 Oct 2017, 8:43 am

    [size=30]International companies are moving towards expanding the production of electric cars[/size]
    06/10/2017 04:37 | Number of readings: 1
    font size:  International companies are moving towards expanding the production of electric cars Font_decrease  International companies are moving towards expanding the production of electric cars Font_enlarge
     International companies are moving towards expanding the production of electric cars Thumbnail.php?file=manar_06386220015072809347_633477554
    Trend Press / Agencies
    An economic report showed that by 2022 there will be 50 new models of electric cars on the market for sale as part of the global automakers shift to less polluting transportation.
    As part of this shift, the US General Motors Group announced plans to introduce two new electric cars in 18 months and 20 new electric cars by 2023. Not only that, but Dyson, the British manufacturer of vacuum cleaners, decided to enter the field and announced its intention to produce electric cars and batteries In the coming years.
    According to the Bloomberg economic news agency, among the reasons for the rush of companies to electric cars is the California government's decision to force motorists to make electric cars, or pay money to the government, along with China's decisions on the production of electric vehicles.
    Erik Joachimsteller, chief executive and founder of Vivaldi, a leading strategy planning firm, said government rules and Tesla, the US electric car maker, had forced major automakers into the electric car industry. This comes as these companies face significant losses because consumers do not accept the purchase of electric cars, as well as continued high battery prices. For example, General Motors loses about $ 9,000 per car sold by the Chevrolet Chevron-Bullet EV. While the Italian Fiat Chrysler is losing $ 20,000 with the sale of every Fiat 500E electric car, said Sergio Marchionne, the company's chief executive.

      Current date/time is Sat 14 Sep 2024, 9:20 pm