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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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3 posters

    Revolutionary Guard: If we classify America as a terrorist organization, we will deal with its army

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     Revolutionary Guard: If we classify America as a terrorist organization, we will deal with its army Empty Revolutionary Guard: If we classify America as a terrorist organization, we will deal with its army

    Post by Rocky Sun 08 Oct 2017, 4:03 am

    Revolutionary Guard: If we classify America as a terrorist organization, we will deal with its army as Daash[/size]
     Revolutionary Guard: If we classify America as a terrorist organization, we will deal with its army 139509100932341259340194-696x523

     Twilight News    

     52 minutes ago

    The commander-in-chief of Iran's Revolutionary Guard, Major General Mohammad Ali Jafari, said on Sunday that America's application of the Katsa law is tantamount to a unilateral withdrawal from the nuclear deal. 
    According to an Iranian media source, Jafari said: "If the news circulated about the American decision to make a fool of the Revolutionary Guards is a terrorist organization, the Revolutionary Guard will consider the US military worldwide, especially the Middle East, as a kind." 
    "If America adopts a new ban on Iran, it must move its bases beyond 2,000 kilometers from our border where our missiles do not reach us," he said. 
    "If the goal of the Americans is to push Iran to negotiate with the United States on regional issues, they should know that they have chosen the wrong path," he said.
    "The Americans should know that the Islamic Republic of Iran will use Trump's foolish behavior with the nuclear agreement to find a quantum leap in its missile and defense program," he said. 
    On Thursday, US President Donald Trump will deliver a keynote speech on the nuclear deal between Iran and the six countries amid speculation he plans to tell Congress that Tehran is not complying with the agreement without withdrawing from it, a move the administration hopes will allow it to strengthen its content or impose sanctions on Iran. 
    The Trump is also likely to be included on the list of terrorist organizations.


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     Revolutionary Guard: If we classify America as a terrorist organization, we will deal with its army Empty Re: Revolutionary Guard: If we classify America as a terrorist organization, we will deal with its army

    Post by wciappetta Sun 08 Oct 2017, 6:14 am

    Yeah Huff and Puff Porky... I hope Trump Autographs the missile that takes you out.

    Even to your old age, I will be the same and I will bear you up when you turn gray.
    I have made you, and I will carry you; I will sustain you and deliver you. -Isaiah 46:4
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     Revolutionary Guard: If we classify America as a terrorist organization, we will deal with its army Empty Re: Revolutionary Guard: If we classify America as a terrorist organization, we will deal with its army

    Post by zimi31 Sun 08 Oct 2017, 10:22 am


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     Revolutionary Guard: If we classify America as a terrorist organization, we will deal with its army Empty Re: Revolutionary Guard: If we classify America as a terrorist organization, we will deal with its army

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